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The school was on a break for the week due to an important meeting, Jiyun told me to stay the week at her house and I gladly accepted.

It was currently late at night around 11pm. Ni-ki had been waiting for the boys to arrive, the door burst open. Ni-ki flinched up from his seat and groaned, "took you guys long enough!"

"Sorry bro we went grocery shopping and Heeseung couldn't choose what type of ramen he wanted to get."

"Of course, Hyung you always do this! It takes one minute to choose and you take at least an hour to decide with your indecisive ass!" Ni-ki huffed, folding his flabby arms at the oldest one.

"I'm sorry it's very hard to decide you just understand the satisfaction I have to give towards my tastebuds! These guys are picky." He pointed towards his tongue.

"enough, we're all here and that's all that matters. It's late and we're all stuck here together, how are you two holding up?"  Jungwon furrowed his eyebrows towards the two people who won't stop farting sharp eyes at each other

"I'm sorry to inform you won, but you're not going to get a good report every-time you anticipate something is going to be good between us." I distastefully remarked.

"but you're soulmates! " he argued, and that only ticked me off. I didn't even want to hear that word especially when it's connected to park sunghoon.

"don't even say that." I snarled, my eyes trailed towards sunghoon's agitated face...the ways his tongue slid around the inside his cheeks...his eyes that were staring at the ceiling...and his hand that was scurrying down his long run down bangs.

"whatever you want to say, but you can't step away from the fact you're put together by fate. The universe put you together for a reason, so even if you walk away or even try to die. Death won't except it, you'll find out you're fated the hard way."

when jungwon explained it like that, it only had me wondering. If the universe knew that I hated sunghoon the moment I stepped into this school, then why would they fate me with him?

it gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach, and I refuse to think about it.

"come on... you can't tell me you don't find sunghoon enticing." Jay playfully hit my shoulder, I felt like punching him the moment those words came out of his mouth.

enticing? ENTICING ?! no fucking way, he might be seen as handsome to other girls around school but to me no boy deserves to be called attractive or handsome if they're a fucking asshole. The only time you'll be hot is when I see you on the other side of hell. 

"and I don't find her a single bit attractive, well maybe to guys in school she is but to me she's nothing but a pile of dirt. With her reputation of being scary in school and shit, my fucking ass." the dark haired male of a soulmate muttered under his breath, he just loved to pushed on my buttons.

"first of all you nothing of an jerk, how could you have the audacity to say that when you have the same reputation in school. Students claim you're the scariest male they've encountered, I don't appreciate the hypocrisy." I tilted my head, soft innocent eyes piercing into his but they're all hidden by the urge to infuriate him.

as we went back and forth, I've realized the atmosphere around the room grew tranquil. I scanned the room, and everyone was gone.


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