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"Why do you and Sunghoon look like you want to murder each other?" Jay nervously chuckled watching the both of us stare at each other fiercely.

"It's because he's a good for nothing jerk." Sowon fired back resulting Sunghoon to scoff. "Looks who's talking." He pushed my forehead with his index finger.

"You can't even watch where you're going what do you mean who's talking?" Sowon pushed him back. Sunghoon found Sowon's words pathetic. For someone who does the same things as he does, she sure has a lot to say.

"You look so ugly when you do that." Sowon pointed towards his sharp eyes. "You sure do have a lot to say for someone who does the same as me, even a reputation for having the scariest looks in the school you fucking hypocrite." Sunghoon spat, pointing a finger towards Sowon who only stared at him with fiery orbs. "I didn't ask for that reputation."

"Am i the only one feeling uncomfortable watching this?" Heeseung awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "No you're not the only one." Jake responded to the male watching the two stare at each other intensively.

"Did you guys know Jungwon and Jiyun are soulmates?" Ni-ki asked the rest of the boys changing the subject so that the tension of the room could lower down.

"Jiyun's the sun?!??!" Sunoo gasped covering his mouth. "She's the one Jungwon has been searching for so long!" Heeseung clasped his happy hands together.

"Finally Jungwon doesn't have to worry about dying anymore." Jay sighed In relief knowing that his little brother figure won't face death.

"I'm so happy for the both of you!! It's getting late though, we all should get to sleep." Sunoo rose up from his seat and yawned. He went up the stairs to prepare himself for bed.

"I'll go to sleep as well come on Sowon...Sowon?" Jiyun stared at me who was still locking sharp eyes with Sunghoon.

"I don't think they finished quarreling..." Jungwon whispered to Jiyun, "I can clearly see that." She whispered back sarcastically. Jiyun tugged on her friend's arm, "I'm pretty sure you need sleep, come on let's go." Jiyun awkwardly called her friend.

Sowon gave up on the glaring contest she was having with Sunghoon letting him win. She took one last sharp glance at Sunghoon before trailing behind Jiyun who was walking up the stairs.

"I don't know how you talk to her like that she's absolutely terrifying." Heeseung shivered thinking about her sharp looks, it was monstrous. A look that people always feared but to Sunghoon it was nothing.

"She wants people to think she's scary, on the inside girl's like her are crybabies." Sunghoon replied coldly telling the truth about people like Sowon.

"Aren't you one as well? You're exactly like her." Jake looked over to Sunghoon with a sly grin. "I am nothing like her shut up." Sunghoon sneered, averting his eyes from the older male.

"I mean he is less scarier than her, actually no they're both on the same level, she just talks more." Jake shrugged.

"Enough talk I'm going to sleep." Jungwon yawned tiredly, taking slow steps up the stairs. The rest got up from their seats and joined him.


I thought I'd be tiredly but it was the bare minimum. I could feel my eyes close but my body could not just shut off, my head's literally in a daze.

I flipped and flopped for hours and now I'm determined that I'm not ready to sleep. Since I couldn't sleep, I went down the stairs for a glass of cold water and maybe a snack?

It was so dark, I tried finding the light switch when my arms touched something. I thought it was the light switch but it had skin...it was fingers. My heart pounded, they pushed me but ended up falling themselves.

They're hands we're on the light switch so when they fell, they accidentally turned on the light switch. "God!" I held onto my aching nose, I felt my wrist in a shock.

"Park Sunghoon?!" I stared in disbelief, still holding onto my red nose. A bright light flashed into my eyes, I shifted my eyes to my wrist and my heart froze. I stared at my wrist and then back at Sunghoon, "S-Sunghoon..." I broke into a stutter, my body was shaking entirely.

Sunghoon gazed over to his wrists that brightly shined like diamonds. Once he realized, his eyes nearly popped out, Sunghoon stared at me incredulously, he backed up a bit from the shock that it put on him.

"This can't be possible." Sunghoon finally made eye contact with me.


And there goes the description for my story, ahaha.

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