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( just wanted to state Soyeon is a new character which is why you're not familiar with her name.)


"bitch." the door bust open, and I did that...obviously. my eyes sharply laid against Soyeon who was sitting down, and has now faced me. bewildered.

"what have you came to complain about now." soyeon just sat in place, waiting for the words to spill out of my mouth.

"why is there another girl with a symbol as the sun, what did you do? Did you make a potion?" i gave her a look of disbelief, and she sighed. "I was forced into it ok?"

"how so?"

"she threatened me with some things, that she would find someone else to do the spell a harder way and there would be no going back, I didn't want that so I just made the dang potion, but I do have a spell to reverse it." she rummaged through her drawers, in search of the spell.

"and you gave into her?!"

"it's more complicated than you think, chaeyeon. You might be smart, but don't think you can outdo someone that has more knowledge than you at something, you don't get the risks and benefits of what I did." her words came out like flying knifes as she slammed the potion on the table hard.

"take it yeon, and make sure the drop gets on her wrist at the right time so that girl knows that she's a fake. if that's all, then I suggest you leave." she sat back down, sliding her hand through her hair.

"look I'm sorry okay, I was just upset. I don't want to see the people I love get hurt and you know that feeling so well, so you'd understand. I'll put the spell as soon as possible and get it over with, Hmm?" my lips quirked up, a faint smile arisen to her face.

I waved and shut the door, "oh that faker is so busted." I spat, shifting my eyes below to where the spell was, in my wrist.


Chaeyeon arrived home, and when she did. she was silent, went up the stairs and shut the door, sowon on the other hand, was fast asleep on my shoulder. my arms slowly wrapped around her, in order to get support. I slowly lifted her up, and carried her up the stairs to my room.

I placed her in my bed, and laid next to her. my eyes gazed upon her face, she was so peaceful looking when she slept. My thumb brushed against her cheekbone, it was surprising how with a matter of a month.

the hatred I had for her, just withered away like nothing, the moment I felt the spark between our wrists, I was crestfallen honestly. I was anxious about how I was going to get along with someone I disliked, but I didn't like her for a reason that wasn't serious.

I was the asshole, I got on everyone's nerves at school, I treated them like shit, I see why she wouldn't like me, but I had no reason to dislike her. And I don't even think it was hate, I guess I wanted to return the same type of vacant ness she gave me.

but the more I got to study her as my soulmate, the more I noticed how she was flawless. I know how she feels, I can read her expressions, I know when she wants to be loved, I know when she's joking or not, within a matter of months.

and I know she's not ready to be fully loved, but I'll always be there for her when she is.


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