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as his ears were reddened, his bangs covered his face. He turned back to look at me, and only got the unexpected.

I grasped onto his shirt's collar, pulling him back to me. Letting our lips slam onto each other for the second time. This was my decision.

why feel so afraid? If it's only going to keep me good being and my soulmate will always be my soulmate, why just be in fear?

his hand going into my hair, gripping it all into a bunch. It was always my hair, and I somehow got used to the feeling of it.

another hand slid down my waist, tugging me closer to him. Our steps taking each other to the end of the wall, as he pulled back for a breather and then went in for a third time.


I could see light ahead of me, it was the door. And I pushed Sunghoon as fast as I could only for the both of us to land on the bed.

and no, not on top of each other. THANKFULLY. He was on one side of the bed, staring at me as if I was crazy, and I was on the other side signaling him to play it cool but he clearly didn't take the hint.

"what the hell is going on. I saw the brightest lights coming from this room when I woke up?" Chaeyeon questioned. That was our wrists.

"What are you doing up?" sunghoon peaked his head out to see his older's sisters face.

"did you finally decide to be mature, and share a bed. Why are you both on the ends of the bed? Bickering again? Both of your hairare messed up." she snickered as if she took it as a joke, she was quite the lady for sarcasm.

sunghoon looked up at me with his long messed up bangs, and grinned because that's definitely not what was going on. "yeah, we did." he responded.

"Hmm, I'm going back to chill with my soulmate. Because soulmates in this generation do not make sense, peace out." the door closed, and sunghoon silently burst into laughter.

it was more like a deep whisper laugh, his eyes closed and his smile was so wide. He couldn't stop laughing.

"with that, I don't think she'll be convinced that we got along. Look at your hair it's a mess." he came closer to me, trying to fix up my hair that was in the air because of how frizzy it got from him grabbing it.

he calmed down, but just as I look at him. He held in the laugh, "I've never seen you like this."

"I'm laughing because she thought we were fighting again." he's completely lost the control of his laugh, and I ended up laughing too.

for the first time, I was in good shape with my soulmate.

"you sure you didn't fall for me yet?" he teased, whispering into my ear. "I could ask you the same thing? Where is scary park? Disappeared all of a sudden?" I bantered.

"hey I told you, I'm not scary. It's just a stupid title they gave me. I can be joyful and nice when I want to."

"well then you know how I feel Hmm?" I tilted my head trying to get something out of it, "scary girl Sowon." He flicked my forehead.

"you feel that So?" His smirk grew wider, as he glided his tongue around his lips. "Our hearts are so hot." he chuckled in that deep, raspy voice.



tension, tension, you all are going to get some tension soon.

tension tension, we all love tension.

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