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"would you believe me...

if I said I started, wanting to love you?"


I gulped, I observed the nervousness that was shown across his face. I finally, was able to see something on him.

and my heart started racing, faster. when I mean fast, I meant as fast as a hummingbird could flap it's wings. silence taken over us for a bit, until I broke the tension.

"I do believe you. and what if I told you, that I was starting to love you too?"

the feeling of our hearts warming up got stronger, this time his smile was wide and I could see his fangs, that's something I never knew about him, he had fangs.

and he laughed a bit, out of joy of course. he cupped my face, pecking my lips. "let's go." he snickered, starting the motorcycle. I hopped on, wrapping my arms around his figure.

—— home

"so how'd it go?" chaeyeon asked, munching on chips. "you're still awake?" Sunghoon ruffled his wet hair, looking down at his older sister.

"of course I am, you two are the only good entertainment I get in a while when there are no dramas to watch." she snickered, laying her bag of chips down on the table. "so are you going to answer me or not."

sunghoon & I stared at each other, laughed and averted our eyes from each other. our wrists starting to glow, chaeyeon looked down and smirked. "you found your soul place huh?"

"how'd you know?"

"your wrists are glowing for no reason, you came from outside. it's quite easy to tell." she shrugged, vacantly.

knocks came up on our door, as sunghoon went to open it. he froze in place, seeing the scarlet and mentally beat up face of.


"jiyun? what's going on, why are you crying?" I rushed to her, making sure she wasn't hurt anywhere. she used to get in tons of fights back then.

"jungwon and I fought." she sniffled, curling into a ball on the couch.

"what?! what happened?"

"these couple of days a new girl came by, jungwon and her wrist began glowing, she was the sun too, the same age, but it's not possible, he has two soulmates." she broke down.

sunghoon eyes widened, "but that's not possible at all!" he looked over to chaeyeon and she seemed confused too, if chaeyeon didn't know then how would we find this out?

"he's right it's not physically possible, something went wrong." chaeyeon anxiously bit down on her lips, deeming to come up with something.

"but she loves jungwon, she looks so happy around him, he doesn't seem as comfortable but it's not that, it's the fact she's driving me away from him, im his soulmate, even if she is too I'm the first. and when I try to go near him, she gives me some type of signal to stay away, it's so frustrating!"

that's when the thought came up to chaeyeon, "magic." she muttered under her breath. "fucking soyeon." she gritted her teeth.

"Im going to pay someone a visit." Chaeyeon rose up, sunghoon and I stared at her dumbfounded, where would she go in the middle of the night?

the door slammed, and it was just us three at home.


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