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the week went by with sunghoon and I near each other, I met his parents and they were more chill about it than I expected and were extremely warming.

when our parents met over, they both an agreement for both of us to stay over at each other's house at some points. I don't really know why, but we just went with it, trying not to make it as awkward as it already was together.

this weekend sunghoon is supposed to stay over at my house, and I did indeed make a scene.


"sunghoon dear, stay over the weekend will you? You want to get to know you better son." my mother patted his shoulder, Sunghoon gave her a warming smile and nodded.

surprisingly sunghoon warmed up to Sowon's mother, no one knows what she did but he already had a soft spot for her mother. Listening to her whenever he told him something.

"what?? You just met the idiot and you want him to stay over already?!" I lashed out, rolling my eyes over at sunghoon who eyed me vacantly.

"he's your soulmate, where's your respect?! Is this how I taught my daughter to behave?" mother scolded me, sunghoon hid the smirk that was struggling to come out.

just as mom turned to face me, sunghoon grinned from behind. Licking his lips, then smiling. "who would want to give respect to the nothing of a jerk park sunghoon? He'll get the respect when we're both dead from quarreling with each other." I raved furiously.

"enough! he's staying over and there's nothing you can do about it. If you think about spilling another word I'll have you share your room with him." she pointed her finger, giving me a threatening stare.

"that's not fair!"

" Didn't I say not one word wonwon? I'm making him share the room with you. You don't mind sunghoon-ah do you dear?" mom turned back to look at him, who was silently standing behind the both of us.

"not a single problem, aunty." he assured.

"mom." she corrected him.



night came, sunghoon was on the floor since I didn't want to give up my bed.

mom walked in and folded her arms, she made sunghoon get up and placed him in the same bed as me. "Sleep, it's good for both of you too get along you know? It's beneficial for your health, don't be reckless. Night...Hmm?"

as she locked the door, I pushed sunghoon away "jerk. Stay at least two feet away from me."

"you're the jerk, go sleep under your bed. Where your monster ass belongs and let me have the bed." he whisper yelled.

I scoffed, "you little shit-" I grasped onto his collar but I felt a shock. The strings freezing up slowing...my heart was clenching tight together...as if it could shatter within the moment. I released my grip and began to pant from anxiety.

"s-sunghoon, do you feel that." I couldn't help but break in a stutter because of my chest squeezing tight together, I was losing my breath and I couldn't find the reason behind it.

but sunghoon didn't seem to be as shocked as me, he tried to conceal the pain but it didn't work. He groaned low, trying to calm the heavy pants emitting from his mouth.

"we might have light physical contact and are around each other but that's not enough, especially not for soulmates that just met each other." he spoke in broken breathes.


before I knew it, I was stridently flipped.


mischievous laugh.


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