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Author's note —- long chapter

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Author's note —- long chapter

Haven't added the main characters together the last few chapters, next chapter will have their encounter.


Once again Sowon had spent her 2nd period in the dentition room after getting kicked out of Mrs.Yang's class once again.

Jiyun busted into the detention room resulting Sowon to flinch up from her seat, "Jiyun?! What are you doing here?!?"

"I decided to join 2nd and 3rd period with you since class was boring." Jiyun grinned, glancing over to her best friend.

Sowon's lips formed into a grin as well, "God you're the best."

"I know I know, no need to tell me beautiful. Let's do homework together so we don't have to do work in the next class." Jiyun suggested, Sowon nodded in agreement and for the rest of the class period they spent their hours in detention together.


Sowon and Jiyun walked out of the detention room together and approached their lockers. Jiyun decided to run to class knowing that the halls would be swarming with students in minutes but she ended up crashing into a figure.

Sowon's mouth dropped, Jiyun grimaced in pain. "God damn I think I broke my back!" The figure cried out.

"I probably broke my damn legs!" Jiyun groaned, still remaining on top of the figure. "I'm so sorry but give me a minute I'm in severe pain Jungwon." Jiyeon begged him.

Sowon noticed something both in the figure and Jiyun, her jaw dropped. "J-Jiyun..." Sowon stuttered, making a shocking discovery that Jiyun still hadn't managed to figure out.

"What for crying out loud!" Jiyun whined, "Y-your wrists... they're glowing..." Sowon gulped pointing at Jiyun's wrists. Both figures widened their eyes, Jungwon pushed Jiyun off of him and connected their wrists together.

There is was... glowing right into their faces. They're wrists.

"You're the sun?" Jungwon stared at Jiyun incredulously. "And you're the moon!" Jiyun covered her mouth.

Jiyun brought Jungwon into her embrace, she was nice to Jungwon because he was her brother's friend. She knew he was a good being.

Sowon watched the two in awe, her best friend has found her match. Now it was only left to her to search for hers.


Night overtaken day, I was over at Jiyun's house to kill my time on the weekend. Jiyun brought over Jungwon and his friends since they're all Ni-ki's closest friends and if I'm going to be truthful that idiot is my cousin.

"Mom, I found my soulmate!" Jiyun chuckled. "Wait...seriously?!?? Who's my future son in law?!" Her mother jumped of joy hearing her daughter's joyous news.

"Your future son in law is in your house." Announced the deep voice coming down the stairs. Jiyun's mom had her jaw wide open from shock.

"Jungwon?!?? You're soulmates?!" Her mother quickly connected Jungwon's arms with Jiyun's witnessing the symbols shining ever so brightly being put together.

"It's really true...honey come here!!" Her mother called her father showing the illuminating symbols on both their wrists. Her dad shrieked, "Jungwon?!" He shouted incredulously.

"What's going on?!?" Ni-ki came rushing down the stairs. He stared at the two connected wrists, "I can't believe this is real." His face turned pale. Ni-ki never knew about Jiyun's symbol because she refused to show him now he knows that she's fated with his best friend.

His parents nodded their head along with wide smiles. Jiyun's dad patted Jungwon's shoulder, "If you don't take care of my daughter I'll show you what being sent into a grave looks like." He gave Jungwon a sardonic smile.

You could already see the color being drained out of Jungwon's face while he faced nervousness. "Don't make him anxious like that, if he doesn't take care of her he won't be in good health either." Her mother assured her husband.

"Sowon have you found your soulmate yet?" Jiyun's mother tilted her head, I shook my head. "I found him but I don't know who he is, I just know he's near."

"You'll find him sweetie, don't worry." Both parents assured me.

My mark was gone, after you encounter your soulmate. Your symbols stays for a few days before it disappears again.

The door rattled, Ni-ki opened it to be greeted by the other boys. "Yang Sowon!!" Jay smiled pointing towards me. "What is she doing here." Sunghoon crossed his arms, I sharply stared at him.

"She's my sister's best friend!" Ni-ki relied to Sunghoon.

"Who's she?" Questioned an unfamiliar voice. "Didn't you hear? That's Yang Sowon, Jungwon's cousin. The one who's known for the scariest looks at school." The other guy nudged the figure.

"Oh sorry let me introduce ourselves, I'm Jake and that's sunoo who just questioned your name." He bowed along with sunoo. I bowed back then got back to give them a sharp expression.

"I know who you are idiots, the only person I don't find familiar is your buddy Jay."

"Oh that's because he just came back from Seattle Washington D.C"

"no wonder."

"It's getting pretty late aren't you going home?" Heeseung questioned me. "I'm staying over." I blandly responded. "We're staying over as well." Said Heeseung.

Sleepover ;)


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