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"You look tired. "

"I'm always tired Jiyun. No need to worry." I yawned loudly, caring less about who surrounds me.

"Oh yea I forgot about that! You're stubbornness always causes me to worry. By the way...I found this yesterday." Jiyun rolled up her sleeves revealing the freshly engraved Sun symbol on her wrists.

I looked up at her with a simpered look, "who's the lucky guy Jiyun?" I asked but she only responded with a chuckle. "I haven't found him yet but I will soon." She winked.

"Guys I want you to meet someone, this is Seorin." Ni-ki introduced to a girl who's cheeks turned scarlet the second Ni-ki intertwined his arm with hers.

"Holy crap Ni-ki is she your-"

"My soulmate? Yea, She's the air element I was looking for."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Seorin. Tell me if my brother treats you well or not because if not I'll be beating him up." Jiyun laughed out at Ni-ki who rolled his eyes.

"Nice to meet you as well." She beamed with a bright smile. "I've seen you quite a lot it's shocking you found your soulmate so quickly." Jiyun let out a chuckle.

"It's surprising how all of us have powerful elements." Jiyun pondered. "What are you thinking?" I tilted towards the girl who let her mind escape into the brink of day.

"Do you think our ancestors were powerful?" Jiyeon squeezed scratched the top of her head, squeezing her eyes and thought carefully.

"You look like an absolute idiot when you do that, also if they weren't powerful do you think we'd get these elements?" Ni-ki asked his sister in disbelief. Jiyun only shrugged at her older brother.

"It was just a question ok? And there are tons of possibilities of getting g powerful elements even if your ancestors didn't inherit them." Jiyun fired back in annoyance.

Sowon rose up from her seat, "My second period class will be starting soon and I'm already late. I'm pretty sure I'll get detention but who cares, I'm off." I waved goodbye to the three and left the school library.

By the sounds of it the halls were overloaded with students switching to classes. Sowon sprinted towards her lockers, shoving her books in it and rushing off to second period.

As soon as she entered the class she was greeted by Mrs.Yang's fierce eyes. "Yang Sowon out of my class." Sowon took in a sharp breath before turning her back to step out of the classroom.

Sowon took giant steps towards the dentition room, "she could've at least give me a chance to explain, screw her." She furiously opened the door and slumped into her seat.

"Who are you?" A voice spoke from behind. Sowon turned her head around and gazed at the figure. "Yang Sowon...?" She replied along with a lifted brow to indicate confusion.

"I heard that name before. People fear your looks and stares. I can see why." He raised a brow as he examined her face resulting her to avert her gaze.

"Who are you." The confused girl asked the male.

"Park Jay how do you not know me I'm literally Sunghoon's cousin." The guy smirked.

"And why should I care if you're sunghoon's cousin?" I derisively questioned the male who's grin got cut off.

"Because he's the school's ace." Jay shrugged his shoulders. "So...?" She responded with a questioning look.

"Don't you find him honorable? He gets good grades, figure skates and is admired by everyone." The male asked the younger one though she didn't have any interest in hearing him.

"Why would I find him honorable? There is nothing honorable about him, he's a good for nothing jerk." She scoffed folding her arms.

"Ok I see...not a big fan of him. Anyways what are you doing here?" He tilted his head.

"Mrs.Yang sent me over here because I was like 10 minutes late to class." Mrs.Yang was the most merciless teacher throughout the whole school everyone resented her.

"God I hate Mrs.Yang, you're lucky that she sent you here." Jay replied to her as if she should be thankful for what happened to her.

Jay darted his eyes towards Sowon's wrists, "you're fire?!" He gaped, his eyes widened as well. "Why are you so shocked?" Sowon questioned the incredulous male.

"Because I'm water!!" He replied crashing theyre wrists together but nothing sparked. They weren't soulmates. "It's not shining..." Sowon told Jay nervously.

"I know that... we're not soulmates. I forgot that if I was fated with fire then you would disappear. I'm fated to nature god damn it." Jay facepalmed in humiliation.

"My detention time is over, I need to get to third period. See you around...Yang Sowon." Jay waved farewell to the girl and stepped out of the detention room.


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