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my heart STRUCK, my eyes shot up. I winced from the sudden shock that had me awake late at night, my heart shaking so heavily. It almost had me thinking that an earthquake was occurring, but it was just the feeling of my heart shattering into pieces.

my heart needed him, but my fear of letting my heart give into him is keeping me captive like I'm tied up, unable to escape.

knowing he was in the room next to mine, I gulped. My lips in a quiver over what to do, go back to sleep with a heart that almost felt like I was withering away, or go to him?

but before I could even place my feet on the ground, the door burst open. I flinched up from the echoing noise, he should be more considerate of the people asleep... but there he was. Breathing heavily, his wrists glowing, so coruscating, so vivid and bright.

He was gripping onto his shirt, forming wrinkled lines in it. Using all his strength to veil his pain, but it was evident that he couldn't keep it in.

he groaned low, "I hate you, Yang Sowon." his head hung low, his tone...anger was clearly audible in his voice.

but with how my chest was aching severely from not getting proper healing in days due to Chaeyeon's over protectiveness. I could see how right sunghoon was. I appreciate chaeyeon being so understanding of me, but the longer I let my fear conquer over me...

The longer I'm going to let this fear hold me captive. I've lost it, I've lost it...entirely. It felt like I wasn't even myself anymore, all I wanted was him. For my heart to feel good again.

can you believe such foul words come out of my mouth? "All I wanted was him." but he is the man with a ego so high to hate, and I needed him. I was fated to him. 

As of this moment, all I wanted more than anything was him. Judging by the look on his face, he felt the exact same way.

with a few steps taken, I was facing him. He clenched his fists, trying to conceal his aching heart. "Sunghoon, I need you." I choked out, I felt as if the oxygen was leaving from my body.

and when I met his eyes, he already gave me that look. That look of sadness, that look of pity. The pity I was supposed to feel for him, the way he felt for me.

"this just started for you today, now think. How I had to feel, trying to hide the pain this week." he looked away.

"sunghoon." I reached for his arm but he wouldn't let me, "don't, sowon. Or I won't hesitate to do something you might not like." his eyes squeezed tight, he breathed heavily as both our hearts were freezing up, into a tight bond.

he was about to leave the room, but I grasped onto his wrist and pulled him back. "But Sunghoon-"

lips came striking down to mine, and he wasn't joking about not hesitating. I felt the electric shock in my stomach, creating knots that I wasn't familiar to.

my arms snaked around his neck, while one of his hands held firmly onto my jaw...the other sliding up my back...catching a grip on my hair.

the feeling on ice in our chests were slowly wearing off, I was able to feel the oxygen enter back into my airway. And though I felt my body going back to normal, I didn't have the feeling of stopping.

he pulled me closer, as his hand that was on my back, pushed me towards him. It was a passionate collision, my stomach was boiling and my heart was now in flames.

he broke it, his hand leaving my hair and my jaw. his cheeks reddened, he was frozen, unable of what to say.

so was I.


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