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when I attempted to leave the room after my heated conversation with sunghoon, the door just wouldn't open. It usually gets jammed but the door was fixed?

"guys! We're locked in!" I yelled only to hear chuckles from them. No, no oh hell no they can't be planning what I think they're planning !

"we know it's locked, we did it to you guys. Have fun spending the night together, soulmates. Learn to get along with each other because if you keep on fighting every time we bring you together, we'll just have to do this." Jungwon sighed, of course it was Jungwon who planned it. That nothing of a romantic convinced them to lock me in.

"we knew this would happen, there should be some water bottles and blankets in the closet. And there's already a bathroom in the room so you're all set!" Jiyun giggled, I can't believe she's in and doesn't want to help me get out.

"this is all your fault!" he turned to my front, face to face. His face was as red as my lipstick, at this point. We both were exasperated.

oh you're done for, I grasped onto sunghoon's collar. I could see his teeth grind against each other in anger while his back hit against the wall.

While I thought I could gain the superiority by trapping him against the wall, I was the one who was flipped around and had my arms trapped above my head.

my heart started to pound, I was only able to face him by staring at the strands from his bangs coming down to his eyes. This was the second time we had touched. Now as my heart began to pace, an unfamiliar feeling was wrapped around it.

I felt a cold string being slid around my heart in circles, as if it was being tied up. As judging by the look on sunghoon's face, he might have been experiencing the same.

"You feel that right?"

he nodded, "the soulmate bond, the second touch. And the strings secure each soulmates hearts. The strings are too long for you to imagine...but if you're away from your soulmate for long...your chest is going to freeze up because the strings are like ice..."

"how'd...you know that?"

Sunghoon leaned in, "unlike you, I accepted the fact that I have a soulmate. What else did I do? I researched about soulmates, about what I can do to benefit the both of us." 

"how long can you go without seeing and touching your soulmate? 5 days is the highest, more than that will cause pain and the ending is two weeks of being away from your soulmate. You must be with your soulmate, for most of the times."

"w-what about physical touch." I cleared my throat, embarrassed of asking such a question but it was necessary.

"it keeps you healthy, now that the second touch has been done and the strings are tied. Without the touch, you will be vulnerable."

"And if you purposely stay away from your soulmate, and expect to die. Death won't except you, it will take your soulmate whom you've killed and keep you in the pain you're soulmate experienced while you were gone from them until it's your actual time to naturally pass away."

"why would you tell me that? I didn't even ask about that." I scoffed and he only folded his arm and leaned against the wall with vacant eyes.

"In case you get any ideas because someone told me you were preparing for death if you didn't find your soulmate."

"it's so fucking hot." he motioned his head towards the window, the second I knew it. He was sliding his shirt off his body.

He turned around, his bare chest and abs exposed in front of me and he didn't have a single shame about it. He folded his shirt and put it to the side in a neat manner.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you take off your shirt?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, my face reddening a bit. The male stared at me as if I was slow minded, giving me a "you really don't know?" Look

"just a minute ago I said it was fucking hot, you're so slow." he shook his head, rolling his head back to pat the sweaty spots of his body.

after doing that, I just watched him as he laid on the bed, wrapping himself in the blanket. "Where will I sleep?" I crossed my arms, waiting for the vacant male to respond back.

"The floor, or under the bed...because that's where scary monsters hide after all, right?" he derisively questioned, he was referring to my intimidating reputation in school.

"hahah what a funny joke, go to hell." I sardonically told before I spat the last 3 words out as hard as stone.

screw soulmates.


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