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morning greeted me early, I felt sunghoon's arm wrapped around my waist. I turned to him, he was sleeping peacefully.

my eyes widen, I was completely wiped out from last night.



"you know...sowon. Soulmates can already kind of tell what their partner is feeling, but they can also kind of get what their partner is thinking of too."

my hollow heart, shattered. I felt like jumping off a cliff right at the moment, he got closer to me and lifted up my chin with his finger.

he seemed, sad. He knows he may not be on good terms with sowon, but that didn't mean he continued to be that way. The fact that he anticipated what sowon cried about that night broke his heart, because he was the reason for it.

he brought sowon's stone cold heart, broken into delicate pieces with just one misunderstanding. The misunderstanding: her thinking that she'll be treated badly by her soulmate. Which is not the case.

sunghoon wouldn't stoop that low to disrespect a woman like her, especially the woman who was about to be the love of his life.

"why, do you think I'm really that bad of a person. That I would mistreat you?" his tone was low, brittle and broken.

sowon felt the drop in his heart, that he was genuine. And she felt guilt, but she wasn't at fault for her feelings. "don't you hate me too?"

his finger that stood still holding up my chin, slowly snaked up to my jaw. He was cupping the side of my jaw, "do you think I'm just going to use you for my good being? Do you think you're a fucking toy So?"

( So is short for sowon, sometimes I might use wonwon or wonie.)

my breath hitched, the distance between him and me along with his eyes laying bluntly on mine created enough tension for me to handle.

I froze, I couldn't even move an inch of my mouth. It felt like my lips were glued shut, except they really weren't.

"If you do think that, I don't. I told you, I'll find things that benefit the both of us, not just me. Because we're soulmates, and it's never going to change. And fuck it So, I'd rather have you as a soulmate than some random girl that could come from the street, a different continent or a different country that I barely know." he shook my shoulders a bit, that shaken me into realization.

"really, I didn't except it at first. But now that I think of it, I'm kinda glad that you're my soulmate."


As I was staring into the ceiling, I felt my waist being tugged. My body was getting closer to sunghoon who was pulling me closer in.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance, it caused me to lose what happened after the conversation from last night and how it ended. Did we talk until I fell asleep?

I guess I did.

I turned back to sunghoon in annoyance, but flinched after seeing his eyes wide awake. "You're warm." he rubbed his eyes, speaking in a groggily tone.

"what happened last night?"

"We talked, and you ended up falling asleep." he pulled me in even closer, "would you stop doing that?" I huffed.

"you're body is warm. I feel cold." he groaned a bit, I smirked a bit for the mischievous thing I was about to do.

I raised my hands a bit where my heat powers activate, I didn't use it in so many months cause it wasn't needed but maybe now...I will use it.

my hand snaked above sunghoon's abs, and that's where I placed the heat. Having him jolt up in shock.

"What the fuck!"

"you said you were cold? How about I give you some heat? Babe."


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