Chapter 30 - Time

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Three years passed by in a blur. After that first meeting with Narcissa, we became very good friends. Honestly, I felt bad for the poor woman. I could see how hopelessly in love she was with Lucius, but he was horrible. A horrible person and a horrible husband. He didn't understand the difference between right and wrong. All he understood was greed. And he would do anything to get the things he wanted.

Narcisss was finally expecting her own child. A boy to be named Draco. Narcissa prayed he looked like his father every day. Apparently, he had already told her how disappointed he would be otherwise. And we both knew what it meant when he was disappointed in Narcissa. She cried in relief when she found out it was a boy. She was terrified that he would be angry with her if it was a girl. He didn't care that she couldn't control it.

She had come by the house every day for weeks, escaping that awful manor. I didn't know why she stayed. I understood the family troubles, and how upset they would be, but it was past the point of worth it. Besides, I knew of many cousins who would run to her aide. They may have been considered disgraces, but at least they had the right idea. I could tell she didn't agree with things Lucius did. I was sure of it. But fear and love held her strongly in their grips.

Severus himself had managed to get himself into the inner circle of the death eaters. I never asked what he had to do to get there. I didn't want to know. When he came home to me, that was a weight he left behind. Sometimes, he cried for hours until he could let it go. Others he would be fine, or as fine as you can be in a situation like that. But things were getting mad. Escalating. People were dead, muggles and muggleborns alike. Severus was terrified they would find out about me, worried that I would be next. I always reassured him, but, truthfully, I agreed. I knew I couldn't hide forever.

Elora had just turned three a few weeks ago. She was talking to us now, giggling out funny sentences. I loved to watch her, especially when Severus came home from work. She loved him so much. That was her father. And he loved her. The sparkle in his eyes when he looked at was torture. It made me so happy, my body swelled each time so painfully. But in a good way. I was happy to have my little family, as weird as the dynamics may be. It was worth it to see her smiling face each day, and to see his pain be lifted. She helped him heal.

"Mummy," she giggled, reaching out her small hands. I rolled my eyes, lifting her into my arms. I smiled playfully, tickling her belly.

"You are so spoiled, thinking you can be held all the time. Pitiful." She laughed, slapping at my hands.

"When daddy," she asked, eyes coming up to mine. Those eyes that looked so much like his. Those eyes that I hoped would save her one day.

"On his way, I hope," I sighed, "Soon, Elora. He will be here soon."

I barely got the words out of my mouth when he appeared, shaking and out of breath. I ran to him, Elora screaming in delight. But I could see something was wrong. He was devastated, tears already falling.

"Why daddy cry," Elora asked, reaching out for him. He took her gently, holding her to his chest tightly. He took a shuddering breath, eyes coming up to meet mine. He was scared. It was written all over his face.

"Elora, why don't you go to your play kitchen and start making us dinner? What's on the menu tonight, darling?"

"Fish," she said happily, "No chips." I nodded, sending her off. His arms were around me instantly.

"What's wrong, love? What happened? Why are you so scared?"

"There was a prophecy. Dumbledore told me. retains to a boy. A boy who will defeat the dark lord."

"Okay? I don't understand, why is that-?"

"There's only two options. The Longbottoms or the Potters."

"No," I screeched, surprised.

"What am I supposed to do, Zales? I can't insist he doesn't kill them. I don't care for Potter, but I don't want him to die. Or Lily. And the child...oh, the child. The dark lord doesn't know yet. But he will find out. He always does. What am I supposed to do, Zales?" More tears came, soaking my shoulder. His body shook quietly, his sobs heartbreaking. I knew he wasn't in love with her anymore, but that was still his childhood friend. Someone we both held dear. Someone who had no idea what happened to either of us. James couldn't tell her. Neither could the others. She must have thought we abandoned her, joined the death eaters because we believed in their cause. I couldn't stand that thought.

"Beg," I whispered, "When he finds out, beg. Tell him you don't care about any of the other muggleborns. Tell him you don't care what happens to James. I know that's harsh, but he would agree. Tell him that Lily was the love of your life. You can't imagine not having her. And beg him to spare that child. Tell him you would watch the child, make sure he didn't get into any trouble. Use that harsh stature to your advantage. He won't expect the breakdown. Please, Severus. Please try."

"And if he doesn't accept?"

"Then you did what you could," I whispered, hating the words as they left my mouth.


"You can't compromise yourself, Severus. You know that. It's about more than you, more than our family. I have no doubt that you are meant for more during this war. I feel it in my heart."

"You're right," he sighed, pulling away from me.

"What else?"

"Dumbledore offered me a job. He wants me to teach potions now that Slughorn has left. He was scared and didn't give much notice so he could go into hiding. I accepted."

"Oh, Severus! That's wonderful! That'll keep you away from the death eaters all the time. It'll keep them convinced you are tricking Dumbledore into trusting you. Oh..." My mind reeled with the possibilities, my heart leaping when he bent down and kissed me.

"Fish done," Elora marched into the room with two plastic plates.

"Oh, thank you. They look delicious." I took my plate, passing Severus his. We smiled down at our daughter, thinking of the future. We would do anything to keep her safe. She would not grow up in a world like ours.

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