Chapter 21 - Faking It

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I wrote frantically, my panic setting in. I could barely read the words I wrote, my eyes in and out of focus. I stumbled back once I had sent it off, grabbing my cane for support. I dug it into the floor, closing my eyes. I tried to make the double go away, tried to keep my terror from showing. But it was just too hard. Not after what had just happened.

"Azalea, I'm tired of this," mother had screamed, banging on my door fiercely. I was balled up in the corner, my head buried into my hands. She had been banging at my door all day, screaming obscenities. She told me I was worthless, that I couldn't do anything right. That I would never have anyone to love me. That I was too ugly and too fat for that. And then she began screaming about the child once more.

"It has been four weeks and you aren't even preparing," she snarled, "Where is all the baby clothes? Bottles?  Crib? You are useless! A horrible mother!" I didn't have any money. Didn't she understand?

"Leave," I shouted, my voice cracking. Why couldn't I just be strong?

"You don't have a story together," she hissed back, "No one in this town will think this baby is yours. Not a single man knows your body. No one knows about you. Someone is going to have to claim they slept with you! More than one! So they all know you are just a dirty slut, and that is why you have a baby!"

"I'm not sleeping around," I cried.

"If you won't find someone, then I will do it for you!" My heart froze, and I heard her laugh at my panic. I scrambled up when I heard her footsteps, practically leaping to the door. I barely managed to unlock it, throwing it open. I scrambled out, falling down in a hurry.

"No," I cried, begging, "No! I don't need you to do that!"

"Oh? Why not? It's not like you have a boyfriend!"

"I do," I screamed, lying through my teeth.

"Who," she laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Severus," I said, my eyes wild, "His name is Severus. Please. He would be very upset with me. I don't need anyone."

"Yeah? I think you are lying," she spat, turning her back to me.

"No," I screeched, desperate, "He can come here! You can meet him! Please! He is real! I can say he is the father! Just, please! Please, don't do this!"

"Bring him here. You have two days. If he doesn't show, I'm finding you a partner. Maybe more than one." She laughed manically as she left, her amusement clear. This was obviously a dark version of her. I'm not sure what happened to throw her this far off the deep end. She had always been crazy, maybe even mean, but never evil. Something pushed her too far, and she was never coming back.

So here I sat, panicking. I couldn't believe I was bargaining for my virginity. Bargaining to not be abused and used. Severus had to help me. He just had to. I had his response the following morning. He would be here before dinner. I cried in relief, grateful for such a good friend.

I was sitting on my bed, staring out the window when he appeared. I saw him down the street, his mother apperating away. He slipped a bag into his pocket, proudly walking towards my house. He wore all black, his dark figure tall and strong. He looked confident and unafraid. I quickly rushed to the window, throwing it open.

"Severus," I called excitedly.

He looked up, giving me a small wave. He gestured to the door, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, rushing down to meet him. My mother was in the kitchen, not noticing when I flew by. I flung the door open, relieved when he pulled me to him. He shut the door gently, giving us a moment of privacy.

"I missed you," I whispered, crying into his shoulder. I felt like that's all I have done for weeks now. But this time I was happy.

"I missed you, too," he hugged me harder.

"I'm sorry you had to come. I didn't know what else to say. Who else to-"

"Shhh. No need to apologize. I would love to get you out of this mess. I won't have her handing you out to random men. I can't believe you are having to fight for your body like this. It's unacceptable."

"Let's just get this over with." I opened the door once more, grabbing his hand as we walked in.

"Mother," I called, "Severus is here."

"Oh? Really," she scoffed from nearby. I saw Severus' eyes darken, and I squeezed his hand tightly. He snapped his head down to me, practically growling.

"This is Severus," I introduced once she walked in. Her eyes went wide, the disbelief unmistakable. She really didn't believe me. Severus didn't bother sticking out his hand. He just stared at her hard, masking his hatred with polite indifference.

"Nice to meet you," he coughed, his eyes not leaving hers. She eventually looked away, bothered by his obvious dominance in the situation.

"You, too. I thought Azalea was lying about you. I was going to find someone else for her to be with, but I suppose you have that covered, don't you?"

"Yes, I do," he said in a hard tone, "And I would find and kill any man that laid a hand on her. So I suggest not doing that." She snapped her head up in surprise, a small laugh escaping her.

"She did say you would be mad if she found another partner. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Men are so possessive," she looked him up and down, "I guess you are believable. How long have you been together, again?"

"Six months," he said instantly, a wave of relief rushing through me.

"Uh huh. And how did you meet?"

"School. An extra class we were chosen for."

"And you are close?"

"I love her." I snapped my head up, surprised. Was this an act, too?

"And yet she is still a virgin?"

"We are at a strict school," he shrugged, "We don't want to get kicked out." I was relieved at his calm facade, and I slowly relaxed. I hadn't felt relaxed since I had been home. It was a pleasant surprise.

Severus managed to hold over mother. Question after question he answered her, not missing a single beat. I was so grateful for his presence, and I couldn't believe he had done all this just to save me. He was better than I could have hoped for in any friend.

We were finally able to slip away, and I lead him up to my room. I shut and locked the door behind me, letting out a huge breath. I crawled onto the bed, holding a pillow between my arms. He sat next to me, putting an arm around my shoulders. When I wouldn't meet his eyes, he pulled my chin up gently. And then I couldn't look away.

"I hate this," he whispered angrily, "I hate everything about this. You shouldn't have to deal with that. I should be able to protect you from that, but I can't. And I hate myself for it."

"No," I shook my head, "Don't do that. You saved me just now. You have no idea what you did for me. I know it's hard to pretend to be in a relationship-"

"I don't want to pretend," he interrupted.

"I-I don't know, Sev. You are really emotional right now. This probably isn't the best time."

"Maybe," he whispered, "But think about it." He leaned forwards, planting a light kiss on my lips. He pulled away quickly, standing up.

"I brought a bag of floo powder to get home. Owl me?"

"Of course."

I watched him leave my room, a wave of sadness rushing over me. I couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts.

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