Chapter 6 - Oh

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I stood impatiently, fingers and feet tapping quietly. He was ten minutes late to class. I knew he probably wouldn't show, but I had hoped. I didn't want to practice Occlumency with Dumbledore. I shuddered at the thought.

It had only been two days since our last class. I hadn't talked to Severus, and he hadn't talked to me. I knew he wanted to ask questions just as badly as I did. Though, I suppose there wasn't much to ask. We knew without wanting to know.

"Hey, Azalea," Remus muttered from beside me, "Are you...are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

"Maybe," I glanced up, "I haven't decided. Since it is only Wednesday, I haven't put much thought into it."

"Are you going alone?"

"Most likely," I nodded.

"Would you like some company," he asked quietly, looking towards the ground.

"Of course," I smiled, "Are you and the boys going, too?"

"Well, yes, but, I was thinking, maybe, you and I could go, you know, together. Like a date?"

"A date," I repeated, in shock. He was...asking ME...on a date?

"Yes," he sighed, "but if you don't want to-"

"I've never been on a date," I interjected, "You might be disappointed to know that."

"No," he relaxed, "That isn't an issue."

"Okay," I smiled, "I will go on a date with you."

"Okay! Want to meet me by the gates?"

"Sure," I nodded, unsure of myself. I was going to make a fool of myself. Why did I agree?

I was honest when I said I had never dated. No one ever noticed me. Other than when I was stumbling and falling, of course. I didn't understand why he wanted to take me of all people.

Now that I thought about it, Remus was rather handsome. He was also kind and smart, and never caught an attitude with me. Severus on the otherhand...but no, this isn't about him. Maybe this is why he was always embarrassed by his friends comments about me. I just thought he was uncomfortable with those type of jokes. I guess I was wrong.

"I suppose Severus will not be here today. We have waited long-"

Suddenly, the door was shoved open with a loud bang. His footsteps echoed across the floor as he approached his spot next to me. He looked awful. His hair was messy, his eyes dark. Had he been sleeping? No, definitely not. Was that my fault?

"I fell asleep," he muttered, standing just close enough to touch.

"That's quite alright, Severus. Now, as I was about to say-" and on he droned.

I couldn't focus at all, I kept looking over at Severus instead. The more I looked, the more worried I was. His clothes were wrinkled, and he smelled awful. He looked so pale, and his hair had gotten so oily. He definitely hadn't showered the past two days.

"-and begin!"

I jumped, turning to Severus in a hurry. Of course we would do this again. Of course we would reveal our secrets once more.

"You stink," I couldn't stop myself from saying.

"Yes. I haven't showered."

"Obviously. Did you also go walk through a dumpster?"

"No," he growled, "I was distracted. I couldn't sleep because I kept seeing your dead dad. Two of him, might I add."

"Mmm. Yes. How peculiar. You know, it must also be hard to focus with Lily always on your mind. I can't imagine having something new to fill your brain." Why did I say that? Thats not like me!

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