Chapter 7 - First Date

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I wasn't sure what to wear. Should I do casual? Dress up? I wanted to be comfortable, but I also didn't want to look like a slob. In the end I decided on jeans and a teal, long sleeved , silk shirt. I tucked in the front a tad bit, hoping it would look better. I kept my long hair down, hoping it would help shield my face later on. I wore a silver A on my neck, a necklace my mother gave me long ago.

I saw Remus at the gates and was instantly relieved. He, too, was wearing jeans along with a thin, black, v-neck sweater. His hair looked messier than normal, however, as if someone had ran their hands through it multiple times.

I smiled as I approached, feeling like fairies were dancing in my stomach. I wasn't quite sure how to act on a date, and it made my heartbeat accelerate just thinking about making mistakes.

"Azalea," he breathed, "You look absolutely beautiful."

"Thank you," I blushed, "You, um, you look good too."

"Shall we head on?"

"Of course," I nodded. We began the walk to Hogsmeade, only a few students nearby. Most seemed to already be there.

"I'm glad you decided to come. I was afraid you would back out," he chuckled.

"Oh, no! I would never," I said quickly, knowing that it was a lie.

"No need to lie," he laughed, "I know you get nervous around people."

"Yes. That is true."

"It took a lot of courage to ask you, you know? I assumed you would say no."

"Why would I say no?"

"Well, look at me, and look at you," he shook his head, "I am so...imperfect."

"Of course you are, silly. No one is perfect! Besides, I think you are quite handsome." Oh no. Why did I say that? I'm too honest sometimes.

"You don't mind the scars, then," he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, no. In fact, I think it's rather se-" I stopped, blushing. I shouldn't say that, either.

"Oh," he turned, but I could still see the smile on his face.

"What do you have planned," I changed the subject.

"I thought we could eat, grab some candy, maybe take a walk?"

"That sounds lovely," I agreed, following him to the Three Broomsticks.

Once we sat down, we never stopped talking. It was nice to talk, and even better to get to know him. I didn't realize how talented he was, and how emotional, either. He talked about everything so passionately, and I could tell he truly loved his life. He seemed at times to be sad, but he kept insisting his hardships were making him better.

By the time we finished eating, I had told him that my father was dead (not how) and my mother inadequate. How my sister ran away at 15, never to return. How I got lucky and became a witch, and how she didn't. I mentioned health issues, but didn't get into details. I didn't want to ruin this day with that news. He would never like me after learning the truth.

"What kind of candy do you like," he asked, grabbing my hand swiftly as we stood. I stared down at our hands, but didn't move them apart.

"Mmmm. Chocolate," I decided, smiling up at him.

"Good choice," he agreed, "Want some chocolate frogs? We can start collecting the cards together!"

"Okay," I agreed, "Is it okay if I stay out here while you get them? The crowd in Honeydukes is too much for me to handle."

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