Chapter 8 - The Corridor

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I sat by myself at lunch the next day, hoping my friends understood I wanted to be alone. I wasn't up to embarrassing conversations or the "so what are you" questions. I wasn't ready for that. It was a kiss. That's all. Just a kiss. A really good one...and a fun date..

I sighed as I stood to leave, allowing myself to relax. No one approached me the whole lunch. The moment I walked out of the room, however, I was whisked away. A hand was over my mouth, and I was being dragged down a corridor.

"It's me," Severus hissed as I started to fight, and I instantly stopped. Why was he being so...creepy?

"What is your deal," I spat, prying his hand off my mouth, "I did not plan on being kidnapped today."

"When do you ever plan on getting kidnapped?"

"Maybe on a Saturday," I muttered, "but you probably already know about that, don't you?"

"What," he stopped, turning to face me.

"Oh, you know! Your buddies that were trying to scare me? The ones who petrified me in a dark alley and told me to stay away? The whole Dark Lord speech?"

"Who did that," he fumed, grabbing my shoulders tightly, "Who was it? Did you see their faces? I will kill them. I swear, if I find out who they are-"

"Relax," I cried, "You're hurting me!"

"Oh," he loosened his grip, "I, I didn't know about this Zales. I'm sorry. I should have been there to help you. Where was Remus? Weren't you two on a date?"

"How did you..." I stopped, seeing the anger in his eyes. He was mad at me. Was this why he pulled me away from prying eyes? And to think I was foolish enough to believe no one would approach me about this topic today.

"Please. All of the Slytherins were talking about it. They all wanted to make sure I found out. The sly creatures...but that's besides the point. Why would you ever go on a date with that biggot? Why would you ever let a beast like that take you anywhere?"

"I just so happen to like that beast," I hissed back, "Not that it is any of your business!"

"You like him," he roared, and I swore I could see smoke coming from his ears.

"Yes! And he so happens to like me back!"

"Oh, he is using you! He doesn't like you! How would you even know?"

"I could tell by the way he kissed me," I hissed, my words seemingly a slap to his face, "Yes, kissed. Godric. And I liked it!"

His hands were on my shoulders again, pressing me backwards. I cried out as I stumbled into the wall. He pushed flush against my body, his hands sliding into my hair. I felt him pulling near the base, and I gasped in shock.

"He doesn't deserve you, Zales. He doesn't know you like I do. Can't you see that? Don't you understand?"

"Sev," I whispered, "Sev, what's going on-"

I never got to finish my sentence. He moved so quickly that I didn't have time to react. He roughly pushed his lips onto mine, causing a ripple of uncertainty to run through me. My body reacted in the only way it knew how, and my lips began to move in the fast pace he had started. He yanked on my hair again, and a let a small gasp escape my mouth. He knew I would do that, though, and used the advantage to shove his tongue into my mouth.

I wasn't sure what to do then. It wasn't like the kiss with Remus. No, this was quite the opposite. And I found myself enjoying it just as much.

Suddenly, his hands were sliding downwards. They passed my shoulders, my breasts, and fell down to my hips. Then, he slid them behind my body and grabbed the back of my thighs. I was lifted into the air with one hand, and the second moving my leg around him. I lifted the other leg on my own. He then put his hands back on my hips, pulling his lips away slowly.

I could hardly breath, hardly think. I wasn't quite sure what had just happened. Before I could begin to process, I felt a soft touch on my neck. I shuddered, instinctively stretching my neck towards his lips. I felt a soft nibble and I let out a quiet moan. Oh, that was embarrassing. I definitely need to stop this.

"Sev," I muttered, "Sev. Sev! Stop! We need to stop!"

He pulled back, straightening so that he could look into my eyes. We stayed like that for several minutes, staring into one anothers souls. I could tell he wanted to keep kissing, but I knew we couldn't. We were already doing things I had never experienced. And I was getting more and more confused by the second.

"Why," he finally asked, allowing me to slide down to my feet.

"I don't...I'm just..." I didn't have the words to say to him. There wasn't a good explanation, really.

"It's okay," he sighed, running a hand through his hair, "You said no. I respect that."

I nodded, relieved. What could I say anyways? I was enjoying myself too much? I was confused about how I felt? I didn't know if that was morally wrong?

"I just...I want you to think about me like that, too," he muttered, "I want you to like me, too. You know how I feel about him, and I know how you feel about him. Just...remember me, too, okay? The thought of him kissing you makes me so sick...I would rather think about us instead."

"Um, yeah. Okay," I murmured, "I won't forget. How could I, after that?" We laughed awkwardly together, falling silent shortly after.

"I know I didn't take you on a date," he finally spoke, "and I know I'm not...good. But I could make you happy. Much happier than him, anyways. He hasn't been telling you the truth, you know. He has secrets too."

"We all have secrets. He doesn't know about mine, either. So I suppose that's fair that I don't know his."

"He doesn't know," he scoffed, "Of course he doesn't. See? I told you. I know you better."

"Yes. Maybe so," I sighed, looking away.

It didn't matter who knew who better. I was at a loss. Two boys who I thought were my friends, very attractive friends, have confessed their feelings for me over one weekend. I never thought Severus saw me that way, and I only had an inkling about Remus. But now I knew. And now I would have to choose. They would make me, I knew.

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