Chapter 22 - Savior

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I'm coming to get you.

That was all he said. It wasn't signed. It wasn't addressed to me. It just existed. Those five words stared at me, begging me to pay attention. And I did. I couldn't look away from the parchment. He didn't say when. He didn't say why. He didn't say how. But he would be here. And I couldn't believe it.

I had already packed a bag. I was prepared for when he did come. Nothing had changed, not really. The verbal abuse stayed the same. The threats never changed. But something with him did. I begged him not to worry for weeks. Told him I was okay. I recieved three letters a day, all saying the same thing in different ways. He just wanted me to admit I needed him. That I wanted him to whisk me away. But I am stubborn, and I am strong. I know I don't need his help or his pity.

Three days later, he appeared in my fireplace. My mother screamed, alerting me to his presence. I ran to the door, swinging it open to catch a glimpse of his face. And there he was, pushing past her without a hint of regret. He was confident as he strode towards the steps, hands in his pockets casually. Part of me couldn't help but to think how attractive he looked in that moment.

"Come on," he growled when he reached me, "We are going." He grabbed my arm, pushing me in the room gently. I yanked away, huffing in protest.

"Going where?"

"My house. Mother is gone for the next week. So, you will be staying with me and we will return to school together. I will grab your bag."

"How do you know if I even have a bag packed? I might not want to go with you!"

"I know you," he growled, staring into my eyes. I shivered, looking away. He was right, after all.

"I told you no," I finally whispered, trying to have a backbone.

"And I didn't listen," he snapped back, "Obviously, the situation had to be taken into my own hands. You don't know what self preservation means!"

"Not when I have an innocent child to think about," I hissed back, "What if she kills it now? Decides that I betrayed her? If that baby is murdered the second after it is born, it will be my fault!"

"Don't worry about that. I will talk to her about it." I watched in stunned silence as he swung the bag over his shoulder, using his free hand to grab me. He pulled me out of the room and down the stairs, wasting no time to talk.

"Where are you going," mother snapped.

"She is going with me," Severus said simply, "She will back for the baby, like she agreed. Until then, I am taking care of her. Obviously, you are unfit to do so."

Before she could retort, we were in the fireplace and he was throwing down floo powder. I stared, wide eyed at my mother. I saw the candle flying towards us, but it was much too late and much too sloppy. A drop of hot wax splattered on my hand, but the rest fell harmlessly to the floor just as we dispeared. I cried out in surprise, shaking my hand like I had felt a bug. Severus grabbed it quickly, pulling it up to his face for inspection.

"Just wax," I laughed out weakly, trying to calm him.

"What a-"

"No need for names," I interrupted quickly.

"Yeah, yeah," he huffed. He pulled me across the room and down the hall, trying to get me into his room. I resisted slightly, shaking my head.

"Sev, I shouldn't stay in your room. In your bed. Last time we were here we went that route, and I just don't think-" I heard the low growl in his throat and paused, staring at him in a panic.

He dropped my bag, using both hands to shove me into the wall. I gasped when I hit, doing my best to push him away. It didn't work. He pressed flush against my body, his face an inch from mine. I gulped, turning away.

"Do what I say," he hissed, "Or else."

"Or else what," I spat bitterly, "What are you going to do, Severus?"

He grabbed my cheek, pushing my face back towards him. Before I could protest, his lips were on mine. He kissed me so fiercely, so strongly, and I just couldn't resist. I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. Our kiss quickly went from passionate to desperate. We were both having trouble breathing, and neither of us could pull away.

I ended up ripping his shirt off in the literal sense. The shredded fabric fell to the floor, unnoticed by either of us. I ran my hands down his chest and back up, feeling the strong muscles underneath. He began to trail kisses down my neck, leaving a small bite here and there. Suddenly, he yanked my legs around his waist and carted me off. When he threw me down on the bed, I knew I was lost. There was no fighting this anymore. Not now.

I quickly unbuttoned my blouse, allowing him to throw it to the side. He practically ripped my bra off before pushing me down, crawling on top of my body. I was panting when he kissed me again, my lips red and swollen. He trailed down to my breasts, continuing to bite and suck everywhere he could. I arched my back out of reflex, desperate to be closer to him.

"Stop that," he hissed, "Or I really won't be able to stop." I stared up in surprise, smiling softly.

"I don't want you to."

That was all it took for him to throw reason out of the door. I had ignited a deep fire within him. Everything moved so quick. His hands were everywhere all at once, pulling at my jeans and my hair. They roamed down my breasts and hips, touching me in the most intimate ways.

When he was finally undressed in front of me, I knew I was a blushing mess. I had never seen a guy naked before, much less someone who looked like Severus. I was embarrassed when he chuckled darkly at me, his eyes locking mine in place.

"I love you," he whispered, "And I'm sorry it took me so long to admit that." I couldn't bring myself to respond. I was already letting out all of these embarrassing noises, and I knew I would only be able to squeak out my response. He didn't seem to mind though.

I wasn't sure how long it lasted. I was so distracted, the time flew by. It could have been ten minutes or two hours, and I would never know. I just knew how happy I was. I felt such a deep attraction to Severus in that moment, and I wasn't sure how I ever could have seen myself with anyone else.

"I shouldn't have talked back, huh," I managed out when we were done, my head laying on his chest.

"It worked out for me," he shrugged.

"I'll stay in here. With you."

"I knew you would."

I laughed, pressing tighter into his body. He brought me a comfort and joy that I had never felt before, a warmth that had never shown. It made me feel hopeful. I knew then I had made the right decision when I left Remus. I made the right decision to contact Severus. He was a better man than I could have asked for, better than I could have ever dreamed. And he was the only thing I thought about until I fell asleep.

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