Chapter 28 - The Wedding

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Severus and I had agreed we had to do it quick. We had to be married before anyone knew any wiser. So, a day after receiving our child, we decided to tie the knot. Even if I had a choice, I was happy to do it quickly. We already knew we would be tied together for a long time, we might as well make it forever.

I didn't want to participate in traditional muggle things. I didn't have a dad to walk me down the aisle. I didn't even have an aisle. I didn't have many people to tell, much less a whole wedding party to stand beside me. I didn't want or need a big occasion. Instead, we opted to have six people attend. Dumbledore, McGonagall, James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter. While Peter was not a great friend of mine, I knew he would feel left out. So, I invited them all. Dumbledore was a secret keeper for us, swearing all participants into secrecy. From now on, Azalea Ross never existed.

"Are you nervous," I whispered, allowing Severus to lead me to the room of requirement.

"Not really," he shrugged casually.

"I don't want everyone staring at me," I admitted, squeezing his hand.

"You look beautiful," he waved his free hand dismissively.

"It's not that," I laughed lightly. I had opted for a dress, but I went with black instead of white. It had sleeves that barely fell over my shoulders, beautiful lace that covered the bodice, and a plunging neckline. The dress was well fitting, but flowed out into a beautiful train at my feet. When I first tried it on, Severus insisted it was the one. We had to have it. I had made sure my hair was extra curly, a small veil poking out from the top of my head. I put on a little makeup, but I wasn't good at it so I didn't do much.

"Yeah, I know. Try not to think about it too much, okay? These are your friends, people who care about you. And Elora will be there. Remus said he would take care of her."

"I think we should make him the godfather," I said lightly, waiting for the reaction.

"If you think that's best, of course."

"Wait, really? You don't mind?" I was shocked. He hated Remus.

"Not at all," he chuckled, "Even if we despise each other, he is a good person. Loyal. He would never betray you, never let your child go without love. He is a good choice."

"Okay," I said lightly, trying to shake my nerves away, "This is a big deal in the wizarding world, right? I feel like it's important for muggles, but wizards...."

"Yeah, it is, I guess. But don't worry about that. You belong with me, and I with you. This is the right decision for us both," he smiled.

"Of course," I agreed. We had finally reached the doors, my nervous thoughts causing it to appear immediately. He bent down and kissed me lightly, his hand gently cupping my cheek. I sighed into his lips, relaxing at his touch.

"Let's do this," he whispered against me, giving me one final peck.

"Yes, let's."

He swung the doors open, holding out his arm. I hooked my arm around his, letting him pull me close. Dumbledore was at the end of a long walkway, a white fabric running down like a runway. On the left sat McGonagall and on the right my boys. I saw Elora bouncing in Remus' lap, her bubbly sounds echoing. Everyone was dressed in dress robes, serious and calm. I spotted a small archway at the end, covered in greenery. The room itself seemed to be surrounded in greenery, bright yellow and white flowers poking out from all around. I could see the theme: our house colors. Some hung dangerously low from the ceiling, almost low enough to touch Severus' head. It was beautiful. Absolutely perfect.

I wasn't sure where the music echoed from, but it was soft and romantic. I wasn't familiar was the song, but it didn't matter. We walked down slowly, our hearts beating hard. I wasn't sure why. I knew this was right, this was what I wanted. It all just seemed crazy. I was here, he was here. We were getting married. It was unreal.

When we reached Dumbledore, I blacked out. I wasn't sure what he said. I saw McGonagall crying, so I know it must have been intimate. I repeated a few phrases, a mix between muggle sayings and wizarding ones. Then came the hard part.

"Reach out your hands and clasp each other's arms," Dumbledore said, piercing through my empty head. I took in a deep breath and reached my arm out, Severus doing the same. I clasped onto his bicep, and he did the same. He smiled at me confidently, winking for affect.

"I am now going to bind you together for life. If one so chooses to break this vow, it will affect their soul. A small part of you will forever be missing, always with the other. You will be incomplete without the other, your life without meaning. Do you both agree to this vow?"

"I do," we said simultaneously. Dumbledore nodded, lifting his wand. I watched him wave it over our arms, whispering the incantation silently. It was something not many wizards knew, a well-hid secret. I couldn't hear a word of it. I could see the magic, though.

The string appeared suddenly, starting at our hands. It made its way around our arms, intertwining them together. It shone a bright white, getting brighter the higher it went. I sucked in a breath when it tightened, bringing our arms close together. It stopped my shaking arm. I felt it slide up my arm, slithering towards my chest. It hit my heart hard, piercing through my soul. I gasped, closing my eyes briefly. It didn't hurt at all, it was just shocking. When I reopened them, Severus was staring back. His smile welcomed me with open arms, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Now, seal the spell with a kiss," Dumbledore smiled. Severus pulled me to him, grabbing my face gently. He kissed me with passion, releasing all of his emotions into me. I could feel what he felt, but only because of his touch. When he pulled away, I felt  cold. The moment we were no longer touching, the string disappeared. But I knew it would forever be with us.

"The new Mr. and Mrs. Snape," Dumbledore announced, clapping quietly. The small crowd stood and clapped, Sirius and James whistling. I laughed, rolling my eyes at them. Remus was the first to approach, smiling brightly. I could tell there was no resentment, no hatred. He was truly happy for me.

"Congratulations. Would you like to hold your daughter for the first time as Mrs. Snape?" He held her out to me, cradling her head gently.

"Of course," I nodded. I took her from him, smiling down into her beautiful face. Severus took her hand into his, watching us with happy eyes.

"Remus, I have something I would like to ask you privately. Maybe when we are all done here?"

"Of course," he nodded. I smiled in return, beyond happy. This was more than I could have ever dreamed of. And I knew Severus was as happy as I was.

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