Chapter 26 - The Plan

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"We have to get this together," I panicked, "It's November, Severus! What am I going to do?"

"We," he reassured me, "We are doing this together."

"Of course we are, but both of us can't drop out of school. I don't want to drop out. I just don't know if there is another option, you know? I just...I can't even think. What if the baby comes early? And I still don't know if it's a boy or a girl, not that it matters, but, still. I feel so in the dark. I don't even have names picked out," I wailed.

"I have names," he cleared his throat, "When the time comes, I have names. Don't worry about that."

"What names," I gaped, surprised.

"I'll tell you in a month," he grinned, "This is our child, after all. Anyways, stop worrying about the child right now. You need to worry about yourself. Your future. Decide what you want to do. The child is a factor in that, but there are other things to consider. Think about that right now."

"You're right," I bit my lip, looking away.

"Maybe...maybe you should speak with Dumbledore. He helped me a lot. He understood me. He can understand you, too."

"What would he know about having children," I scoffed.

"He has thousands of them," he said quietly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I stopped pacing, eyes wide. He was right, of course. I had never thought about it like that.

"Yeah...yeah, okay. I...I guess I will. Soon."

"Now," Severus demanded, staring hard.

"Now," I squeaked, shaking my head. I couldn't do that!

"You will make excuses until it's too late. I know you. I know how you work. Please, Zales. Do it."

"Okay," I sighed, "Okay, fine. Walk with me?" We walked silently, tension in the air. I was nervous. I hadn't told anyone but Severus about the child. About what happened with my mother. Not even Remus. We spoke often, but we were definitely withdrawn. We didn't talk about things like this. He didn't speak about his relationship with Sirius, about how his summer was. We were too awkward now. Still trusting, but awkward.

I closed my eyes when Severus spoke the password, not wanting to watch the gargoyle reveal a door. I hesitated to open them, terrified. I didn't want to admit the truth. I didn't want to talk about this. I trusted Dumbledore. I felt like he had been a good teacher, but I didn't know him as a friend. Severus urged me forwards, pushing me lightly. I sighed and took the first step, jumping when I heard his voice.

"Azalea, Severus. Please. Come in."

"Oh, I-"

"Nonsense, Severus. Come." He growled under his breath, annoyed. We went forwards together, walking to the door. I took the first step in, seeing Dumbledore behind his desk.

"I've been expecting you," he smiled at me, warm and kind.

"I'm sure you have," I smiled unsurely. Dumbledore always knew.

"What's on your mind?"

"I need help. I don't...I don't know if I will be able to finish off the year," I admitted, turning away in shame.

"Oh, is that so? Please, both of you, have a seat. Would either of you like a lemon drop? I do quite enjoy them myself." We both shook our heads, silent.

"Okay, okay. What's troubling you? You're a very bright student, one of my best, obviously. Both of you are quite remarkable. Is it your eyes? Has something changed that I should be aware of?"

"No, professor," I cleared my throat, "I...well...I...can I show you?" He nodded, instantly entering my mind. I let my dark memories come forward. He saw the abuse, the mistreatment. He saw the pregnancy announcement, the threat to kill a newborn. He saw Severus rescuing me, telling me we would go back. He saw us talking about the child, assuring each other it would be ours. When he pulled away, he looked down at my hand. He looked grim, but still managed a half-smile.

"First, I would like to say congratulations."

"Thank you, professor," I whispered, shaking. Severus grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. It anchored me, keeping me in the moment.

"I am sorry to see you in such a difficult situation. Both of you. But I would like to speak to you first, Severus."

"Okay," he said, hiding how shocked he felt. He couldn't hide it from me.

"Azalea is right. You do need to stay here at Hogwarts. This is not only the safest place for you, but the best place for you. You must finish your education. You have great things in your future, and this is a requirement. I would also like to commend you for your bravery. Most would describe you both as children, but I can see past that. This time doesn't allow children, does it? And you have shown me that, quite obviously. Thank you, for your continued loyalty and bravery." I nodded in agreement, squeezing his hand. Dumbledore was right, and I hope Severus could see that.

"Now, Azalea. For you, I can't tell you what to do. I can tell you this, however. You do have an option that helps you to continue your education. I can provide an off-campus professor. It will be someone I trust, someone who wouldn't endanger you or the child. They could come to your home, help you through the last stretch. You will still be accredited by Hogwarts. And you can do so while raising the child. It may be late at night, I must warn you. Does this sound reasonable?"

"Oh, yes! Thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much this helps! I've been so worried, so scared," I cried, emotional. I was lucky to have such a good professor.

"And back to you, Severus. If you would like to stay with Azalea and the child, I can arrange that. You could still come every day, I will have a location available for you to floo into. I would offer you the same courtesy as Azalea, but it would be much too dangerous. If you both disappeared at once, someone would piece things together. They can't find out about you and Azalea. Of course, you know this. I also recommend changing your name, Azalea. Something less recognizable. If someone asks, you are not Azalea Ross the muggleborn witch. The child you carry is yours, not that of a muggle. While it's unsure if this child will have magical qualities or not, it will be raised in the magical world. Hopefully, before the time comes to worry about this, the war will be over."

"Of course," Severus agreed. I nodded feverishly, beyond relieved. I couldn't believe I was so lucky. We were so lucky.

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