Chapter 19 - Before We Go

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"This will be our final meeting," Dumbledore announced, meeting each pair of eyes, "We will not continue our lessons when you return."

"What," Nova cried, "Why not? We aren't ready!"

"You are," Dumbledore said fondly, "All of you. I have taught you all that I can. Continue to practice. Continue to improve your skills. You are all close to mastering these skills. Use them."

"I don't feel ready," Remus admitted, looking to his feet.

"We never do," Dumbledore smiled, "But I can see the remarkable progress in each one of you. Let's prove it to each other, yes? Tonight will be the hardest lesson yet. Tonight, I want you to each resist your partner. However, I want you to let go of your wall, let your partner in, and throw them back out. Show me the control you have over your own mind. Let it bend to your will." We all nodded solemnly, turning to face each other.

Severus met my eyes briefly, and I saw the brief flash of fear run through his eyes. He wasn't confident he could do this. I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I nodded to him, volunteering to be first. I could easily resist him now. I found myself with walls up constantly, anyways. I could also easily choose to let him in. But to do both in one sitting? It was going to take a lot out of me.

I felt him tearing at my mind, trying to peel back the walls I put forward. I pushed harder, making sure he didn't tear down any of my walls. He fought me as hard as he could, but he couldn't get past. Finally, when I thought he had enough, I opened a door and let him through. I didn't have a memory in mind. I didn't need to. He knew what he was looking for.

He brought forwards a memory of Remus and I. We were on my bed, laughing at a joke one of us had said. We quieted, and he leaned forwards to kiss me. Even I could see the resistance in my body. As suddenly as it came, it was gone. He flipped through memory after memory. Remus hugging me, holding my hand, kissing me. I could feel his tension in my mind. I knew it must have been torture. What was he looking for?

Then we came to our breakup. I dragged Remus to the side, and our quiet conversation began. I told him I was in love with someone else. That I knew he was in love, too. But I knew Severus couldn't see more than that. He didn't need to know Remus' secrets. Those weren't mine to tell. I took a deep breath, building a wall quickly. It pushed against him hard, and I felt his resistance. The fight only lasted seconds. Severus fell back into his own mind.

"Excellent Ms. Ross! Twenty points for Hufflepuff!" I smiled brightly. That was the first time I had ever earned points for my house.

"Your turn," I whispered to Severus, hearing Dumbledore offer points to Gryffindor behind me.

"Do it," he commanded. I obliged.

I hit his wall hard, practically bouncing backwards with the first hit. I growled under my breath, trying to fight against him. I picked at his walls, and was even able to pull down what was equal to a brick in his mind. But that was as far as I got. It was instantly fixed, and seemingly a second, more forceful wall was placed directly behind the first. His mind shook with what I assumed to be laughter. Suddenly, I was tumbling through. He forced a hole directly down the middle, and I fell right into it. But I was angry. So, I looked for the memories I knew he didn't want me to find.

"Sev! It's good to see you again," I heard her angelic voice. I glared as Lily came into view, her arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"You have no idea," he whispered back, burying his head into her shoulder.

"It's not been that long," she giggled, "Only about a week!"

"A lot can happen in a week."

"Oh. Is it...?"

"Yes," he sighed,"I was stupid. I didn't take the opportunities I should have, and now..."

"She decided to move on," Lily sighed.

"With him," he practically growled, "Lupin." He said the voice with so much venom, I couldn't bare to watch anymore. I hopped to the next memory, hoping it would be better.

"Oh, Sev. I'm sorry. I can tell you are upset. seem...conflicted. I thought you really liked her?"

"I do," he whispered, "But she left because...I still had feelings for someone else."

"What? Who," Lily gaped. He reached out to grab her chin, forcing her to look in his eyes.

"You." I could hear the pain in his voice, the fear.

"Oh," she gulped, "I'm not sure-"

He leaned forwards, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. I stepped back, shocked. She seemed to kiss back, at first. Then, she pushed him away gently with a shake of her head. She looked sad, almost regretful. But it was nothing compared to the look of disappointment he wore.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think this is a good idea. I was going to tell you, but, well, I knew you would be mad. I have been going on dates with James. We aren't together, per se, but I want to see where it goes. I-I just don't see you and I being together in that way. I'm so sorry."

I wanted to continue watching, I wanted to see what he said to her. But I never got the chance to. He pushed so hard, and I never saw it coming. I tumbled back, falling to the floor. I landed directly on my ankle, and I screamed when I felt the snap. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to stay calm.

Severus rushed to me, apologizing profusely. I just shook my head, breathing as evenly as I could. Remus was at my side next, his eyes wide. He glared at Severus, but thankfully never said a word. Dumbledore was the one who helped me up, handing me my cane. I nodded in appreciation, afraid to speak.

"Class dismissed," he bellowed, holding my arm tightly. I glanced back as he opened the door, doing my best to smile at Severus before leaving. I know it must have looked more like a grimace.

"Owl me," I called, wincing at my squeaky voice. I turned back around, squaring my shoulders. I knew I would be fixed up by the end of the night, there was no need to wallow over something so small. But I also knew this was the last time I would see Severus for a few months. Unless, of course, he found me on the train tomorrow. But even I knew how unlikely that was. He was too prideful to sit with the likes of me.

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