Chapter 3 - New Friends

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I sighed heavily, plopping down at the end of the table. The day had started horribly. I tripped on my way to potions, somehow caused an explosion in class, and slammed into Remus in the hallway. I now have bruised knees and a bruised ego. On top of that, I can't even look in Remus' direction.

It took a long time to control the swelling nerves building up inside, threatening to explode. I sat in the bathroom for a while, angry tears streaming down my face. It took everything in me to not yell at Myrtle. I know she wanted to help, but telling me that the astronomy tower wasn't that scary to jump from did not help.

I placed an apple on my plate, along with a few crackers. I never ate a huge lunch, and eating in front of people makes me so nervous. Besides, today had been stressful enough. I don't need to also feel bad about myself for looking like I was having a food baby.

"Sorry to bother you, but are you Azalea?" I jumped at the sound of my name, turning around quickly.

Looking up, I see a tall, skinny, black haired boy with glasses.

"Um, yes?"

"You don't sound so sure," he laughed, "My names is James. James Potter. I'm Remus' friend."

"Oh, uh, okay."

"Well, I will get to the point real quick. Come sit with us? We won't bite! Remus noticed you sitting alone and was too chicken to come ask." I ducked my head down, hiding my blush underneath a curtain of black hair. Sit? With other people? I haven't ever ate lunch with anyone else, especially at another table.

"Oh, I don't know about that. I, um, I-"

"Oh, come on! Look at Remus! He is begging you! You can't say no to those eyes!" I glanced up, and sure enough, he was staring at me from across the room. Why?


"Come on, I will introduce you to the others." Before I knew it, I was being dragged across the room. I wasn't sure how he got me on my feet.

"My cane, James! My cane," I screeched, reaching out for it in a panic.

"Oh, I have it! Don't worry," he laughed, reaching out with his long arms and snatching it off the seat.
I was rapidly approaching Remus, and my heart was pounding. New people. I can do this. I can face Remus. I can face them. No problem. No problem, Azalea.

"Azalea, this is Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew," he pointed to each boy.

"Hi, Azalea," Remus smiled sheepishly, his eyes bright.

"Hello, Remus. Nice to meet you all," I chirped, trying not to sound as nervous as I was. Fake it until you make it, right?

"Wow, you are pretty. Remus wouldn't tell us anything about you, so I thought he might be trying to hide you from me," Sirius smirked, flipping his long black hair.

"Oh, uh, thanks? Um, hiding? I don't quite understand?"

"Nothing, Azalea, ignore him. He just wants a snog."

"Oh," I exclaimed, my cheeks flaming up, "No, thank you!" The boys laughed while Sirius glared at them. I sat down between Remus and James, with Sirius and Peter in front of us. I wasn't quite sure what to do or say now. Oh, this is going so badly.

"Are you sure? I'm quite good at it," Sirius joked, smiling.

"Very sure."

"Leave her alone, Sirius. We want her to tell us about herself," James hissed.
"Oh, what do you want to know?"

"You are in hufflepuff, right? Are you parents magic? Where do you live?"

"Yes, no, and I won't be passing on that sensitive information to the likes of you," I joked.

"Ah, a secret agent I see. Impressive." I laughed with everyone else, my muscles releasing tension.

Overall, it was a good lunch. I didn't quite eat, but I was having fun. I tried not to do all the talking, but the boys were so interested in what I had to say. I don't really know why. I am just a boring hufflepuff after all.

When I left for class, I was sad. I liked them, and it felt nice to talk to people. Remus promised he would see me later, winking afterwards. I knew what he meant, but the boys obviously didn't. They snickered, elbowing each other. What is that about?

After dinner that evening, as I was leaving, Remus jogged up to me. I stopped for a second, letting him breathe. I'm sure my confusion showed, because he smiled as if he understood.

"I was wondering if maybe you would want to hang out? Maybe take a walk? With me?"

"Oh! Right now?"

"Yes, if thats okay."

"Yeah, sure. I have to meet Severus in an hour though."

"Oh. Are you really trying to get to know that guy?"

"Yeah, Dumbledore asked us to. Besides, he probably isn't really that bad. Sometimes he gets a bit snippy, but don't we all?"

"Yeah, but, well, he seems just evil."

"Maybe so."

We walked quietly for a few moments, staring at the quiet grounds. I wasn't really sure what to do. I wasn't good at the whole socializing thing.

"I just...I wouldn't get too close to him. You know what I mean? I've heard him and his buddies are going to join that wizard. The one who doesn't like muggleborns. I just don't want you to get mixed into that."

"Oh," I choked out, my eyes wide. Severus? Joining that guy? No way!

"Besides, he has already been a bad person. My friend Lily fell for his act, too. We know, though. We know."

"Maybe it's a guy thing," I shrugged ,"Jealousy?" I will admit I was a little angry. I did actually like Severus. I thought I could help him open up some. The hufflepuff in me, I guess.

"No, no, no. Nothing like that," he wrinkled his nose.

"If you say so. Besides, Dumbledore asked us to do this, remember? And aren't you getting to know the ravenclaw girl?"

"Well, I am. She is nice. A little weird, I think, but nice. She isn't like you though."

"Me," I snorted ,"That girl was so beautiful. And I'm sure she has a personality to match. Don't be so harsh on her."

"Yeah, okay."

I stopped in the courtyard, turning to look at him. He stared back, a funny look in his eyes. I wasn't sure why he kept looking at me like that. It weirded me out.

"I have to go now. It was nice talking to you today. It was fun."

"Yes it was. We will do it again, right?"

"Sure," I nodded, walking off. Sure was the last thing I was.

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