Chapter 29 - Blending In

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I giggled at Elora, bouncing her in my lap. She laughed with me, her soft voice ringing in my ears. It was hard to believe she was already two months old, her growth noticeable. The first month was a hard adjustment, my inexperience obvious. There were many sleepless nights, and it took me a while to learn the difference between her cries. Now, I knew immediately what she wanted. If she was hungry or tired. It didn't come easy, but it came.

Severus was able to stay with me every weekend. During the week he would work on school, and his nights were sleepless as he corresponded with death eaters higher ranked than him. He told me what they wanted: infiltration of Hogwarts. He tried to convince them there was no way, Dumbledore had everything well guarded. And yet they wrote to him each night, near threatening for him to divulge the castles secrets. When he was here on the weekends, he was gone at least 6 hours a day. The death eaters were vicious and demanding, and he was slowly making his way up the ranks.

My schooling had started along with everyone else's. I was surprised when McGonagall showed up at our doorstep that first night, smiling softly at me. I remember her looking down at Elora, hearing the small gasp. I knew why. She looked so much like me, yet those piercing, near-black eyes gave the same impression as Severus'. It was a strange occurrence, but one much needed. For her safety, of course.

So, three days a week, McGonagall showed up around 7. She was always there past 10. I was glad to be a quick learner, and glad to have been prepared for such things. She even offered to let me test early, since I was so adept. But I denied her offer. I wanted a sense of normalcy, even if it was only in time. So, when I heard the knock that Friday afternoon, I didn't think twice.

I pulled Elora into my arms, cradling her gently. I walked quietly to the door, a smile planted on my face. I opened the door softly, careful to not let the bitter wind hit Elora hard. I was looking down at her, unaware of the females presence. I had no idea something was different, no idea what laid ahead.

"Who are you," she said, surprise lacing her quiet voice. I looked up in surprise, panic filling my gut. I pulled Elora tightly to me, silently putting my wand in my hand.

"You are on my doorstep uninvited, so I return the question to you," I said, looking her up and down. She was young, but definitely older than I. Her hair was gorgeous, with the top half a dark black and the bottom a near-white blonde. She was small, but I could feel her confidence, her power. It terrified me.

"Narcissa, Severus' friend. Lucius sent me. Where is Ms. Snape? Better, where is Severus himself?"

"We haven't seen her in months," I admitted, "She said she was leaving for two weeks and never returned. As for Severus, he will be here shortly. May I ask why you are looking for him?" This woman knew Lucius. Lucius, the vile, evil man who knew what I was. Would he recognize me?

"Who are you," she repeated, staring at me coldly.

"I am his wife," I snapped back, angered by her tone. She stepped onto my territory, with my husband and my child. If she attacked, she would not walk away.

"Wife," she blurted in surprise, trying to wrestle her facial features into a neutral stance, "I didn't know Severus had a wife. Or a child." She glanced down at the bundle in my arms. I let out a low growl, something deep within me surfacing. She would not touch Elora.

"He does. And since he is not here, I think you should leave." I stared into her cold gaze, unwavering.

"You haven't been married long," she asked instead. I didn't answer, unblinking.

"I'm sorry," she finally whispered, "I did not mean to alarm you. I am good friends with Severus. I trust him deeply, as I hope he trusts me. I haven't seen him in a while, and neither had Lucius. He wanted me to check on him, knowing he might not be as welcome as I. Obviously, I was caught off guard. As I am sure you are. But you must know of the wards on this place, the protections against evil. Only Severus could reveal its location. He entrusted it to me." I breathed deeply, unsure. She was right about the wards, but there was more than my life at risk.

"I'm not sure if I should invite you in, Narcissa," I whispered, unsure.

"Why have you come here," a deep, low voice radiated behind me. I practically slumped in relief, beyond happy to hear his sultry voice.

"I was coming to check on you. Make sure all was well. Inform you of some good news. Obviously, I am a bit surprised to have found your wife and child." Narcissa straightened her back, a small smile on her lips. I could feel his smile back, his eyes on Elora.

"Come in," he finally said, sweeping us away from the door. Narcissa stepped in, strolling through casually. She sat on our couch gently, not a hint of reluctance.

"Introduce me, Severus." She turned her eyes to me, the coldness from before gone.

"Narcissa, this is Zale, my wife. This is our daughter, Elora."

"How long," she glanced at our child, quickly looking away. But I saw the longing in her eyes, the pang of pain. She, too, wanted a child.

"Two months," he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"The baby..."

"Is two months old," he nodded.

"Oh. I see."

"We didn't hesitate after she was born. We knew what the consequences would be for her."

"Of course," she agreed, "No need to defend. Zale, you look lovely. You have bounced back quickly." I paled, unsure of what to say.

"Thank you," I finally decided, bowing my head. She only nodded, turning back to Severus.

"The news," he asked, sounding bored.

"Lucius and I are moving up the wedding date. To next month. We were going to wait six, but...well, you know where things are leading."

"That's fantastic," I cleared my throat, "We would love to attend. I know how deep their friendship runs."

"Thank you," she smiled genuinely, "We will send you an owl with details when we have finalized them." She stood, smoothing her shirt. I watched her and Severus walk to the door, small whispers surrounding them.

"Thank you for your hospitality," she said, slipping into the dark. I breathed a sigh of relief when she was gone. I could only hope she didn't see through my nerves and lies.

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