Chapter 13 - My Birthday

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This was not a small party. It was not just a few friends. This was the whole neighborhood. I gaped at all the people, my nerves on edge. I was not a people person, and I felt so out of place.

"Come on, let's go find Lily," Severus tugged my arm, leading me through the crowd. I allowed him to do so, hoping he would prevent me from falling.

"Ah, there you two are! Oh, and look how gorgeous you are, Azalea! And Severus, how nicely you clean up! Just wonderful," Mrs. Evans sighed, her eyes bright. Lily stood beside her, a happy smile on her face.

"Guess who mum invited," she whispered, her eyes wide.

"Who," I murmured, looking up to meet her eyes.

"James! Apparently she sent an owl. I didn't even know she knew how to do that!"

"Oh, that's wonderful, Lily," I smiled. James would distract her, keep her away from Severus.

"He can be a bit annoying, if I am honest, but I'm starting to genuinely enjoy his company. He isn't as bad as he seems." Severus stiffened at this.

"Of course," I agreed.

"Oh, look! Here he comes! Oh! And he brought the boys!"

I turned quickly, my eyes wide. Sure enough, James stood just outside the door. Behind him stood Sirius, Peter, and Remus. Oh, no. Remus was here!

"Over here," Lily called, waving her hand high. I flinched as she did so, my mind racing. Remus was mad at me. I was disappointed in his behavior. I was here with Severus. The situation seemed to be worse and worse.

"Lils," James smiled, taking her hand. He planted a soft kiss on the top, a small grin on his face.

"Hello, everyone. You all look wonderful," Lily replied, blushing.

"Azalea," Sirius remarked, "Fancy seeing you here. I didn't think this would be your scene." It was obvious Remus didn't think so, either.

"I am here as Severus' date," I announced with all the courage I had. It took everything in me to say so without breaking down.

"Oh," Sirius muttered, glancing towards Remus.

"Yes," Severus said, "And doesn't she look beautiful?"

"Very," Remus sighed, finally meeting my eyes. We stood there for a few moments, staring. Finally, Severus tugged on my arm to break me out of the trance.

"Would you like to dance?"

"I will try," I whispered, letting him whisk me away.

"That was akward," he laughed, stopping at the outskirts of the dance floor. He turned to face me, placing his left hand on my waist. I placed my right hand on his shoulder, and clasped my left into his right. I shivered when he pulled me closer, our chests touching. I could feel his breath on my neck and in my ear.

"We aren't in a good place right now," I admitted, swaying to the music.

"Yes, I can tell. I know it must hurt you, but, well, I can't say I'm unhappy about it. To be honest, I'm glad. I don't like Remus, and he doesn't like me. And...I want you for myself." With that said, he looked down at me. I didn't meet his gaze. Instead, I looked down to my feet.

I felt a gentle touch under my chin, pushing my head up. I gaped up at him, searching his features. What did he want me to say? I knew how he felt. I knew how I felt. But there was something else, something with Remus I just couldn't let go.

I didn't realize he had been inching closer, his lips centimeters from mine. I didn't move, holding my breath. Suddenly, he grabbed my waist and pulled me forwards. Our lips met with force and passion, our bodies flush against each other. He took my bottom lip between his teeth, biting gently. I let out a small gasp, and an even smaller moan. I jerked back, my cheeks burning hot.

"Lets not do that here," I breathed out, touching my lips.

"Do you want to leave then," he whispered, desire all over his face.

"I-I don't know. Maybe," I answered, unsure of what to do. Then, I looked over and saw Remus laughing with a girl. That sparked something in me. Rage or jealousy, I wasn't sure. I was sure about Severus, though. He liked me, I liked him. We weren't fighting. And he remembered my birthday. I was seventeen now, an adult. I could make my own decisions.

"Lets go," I said decisively.

"Wonderful," he smirked. He turned towards the house, pulling me gently behind him. Should we tell Lily bye? I should probably return the dress, right?

Before I could stop to ask, we were through the back door. Severus strode through the house confidently, reaching the front door in no time. He swung it open, allowing me to walk through first. My heart was pounding as we walked, my nerves on edge. I wasn't sure what Severus had in mind once we got to the house, but I found myself not quite caring.

He helped me up the steps to his door, swinging it open for me once more. I walked in hesitantly, unsure of where to go. I gulped, turning back to him as he shut the door and locked it.

"We can go to my room," he muttered, slipping his shoes off. I only nodded, leading the way. I entered the room, deciding to go find a change of clothes. Severus had other plans.

I gasped as he grabbed me from behind, pulling my back against his chest. His hand slipped up to my neck, tilting it to the left. He put his mouth on the right side of my neck, leaving small kisses all over. I felt his teeth graze a spot below my ear, and I groaned as he bit down. He moved down my neck, leaving small bites everywhere his lips touched.

He spun me around quickly, grabbing my head with his hands. He pulled me to his lips, kissing me with fire and passion. I tried to mimic his moves, but I could barely keep up. His hands slid down to my shoulders, then my waist. He inched them around to my bum, squeezing gently.

"I was going to change," I whispered quietly, my breathing heavy.

"I will unzip you," he whispered back. I turned my back to him, butterflies in my stomach. I felt his hands climb up my back, reaching the top of the zipper. He gently tugged it down, freeing me from the tight dress. I closed my eyes, slipping my arms out of the sleeves. The dress fell to the ground, hardly making any noise as it landed. I stepped out and kicked it the side, turning back to face him.

He looked me up and down, his eyes roaming. He took extra time examining my bare breasts, but kept his hands at his sides. He grabbed my shoulders gently, pushing me back to the bed. I stumbled backwards, the back of my knees hitting the bed. I fell onto it, my breathing heavy.

"May I," I whispered, gesturing to his shirt. He nodded, allowing me to come closer. With shaking hands, I undid the first button. I barely managed to get the last one undone before he flung the shirt off, really his bare chest. He had muscles, but wasn't overly buff. And I found myself even more attracted to him.

He ripped his belt off quickly, keeping it in his hands. I swallowed hard as he pushed me back, forcing my hands above my hand. He wrapped the belt around my hands, forming handcuffs. I wasn't sure what to think about it. I didn't dislike it, that was for sure.

I watched as his pants dropped to the ground, and his body crawled onto mine. He pushed down against me, kissing my lips once more. He trailed his lips down my chest, stopping at my breasts. I gasped in surprise, my eyes wide.

"I don't-I've never-"

"I haven't either," he whispered back, smiling at me.

"I don't want all of the things," I finally whispered, embarrassed.

"Of course. We will only do some," he agreed. I nodded, relieved. I let him continue to kiss, suck, and bite down my body, my moans of pleasure filling the air. I had never imagined anything like this, never imagined Severus being so good at it. But, boy, was I glad he was.

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