Chapter 14 - What Now

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"Hey...Azalea...I um...I need to get up. Someone is knocking on the door. I'm sorry to wake you, but..."

I grumbled as he slid off the bed, leaving me cold and lonely. I blinked my eyes open, blushing as I watched him pull a pair of pants on. He turned back to me, running a hand through his messy hair.

"I will be right back," he smiled. He jogged out of the room, calling out to whoever was at the door. I yawned, pulling the blanket tighter around my body. My ears perked up when I recognized the voice at the door.

"Hi, Sev. Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"Oh, no. It's fine Lils. What did you need?"

"Oh, mum just wanted me to return Azalea's clothes. I know she left early because of the whole Remus thing. I swear, I didn't know he was coming. I feel terrible. Can I speak to her?"

"Oh, um, let me just, um, tell her to change out of her night clothes."

"Right...," Lily drifted off.

I quickly jumped up, my eyes wide. I realized I was still in my underwear, too. I knew Lily could hear the panic in Severus' voice. Oh, she knew. She must know. 'And maybe that isn't a bad thing' the jealous voice whispered in my head. I shook it away, bending down to my suitcase.

"Azalea," Severus whispered from the doorway, "Lily wants to talk to you. You might want to...," he stopped when he saw me, his eyes running over my naked body.

"Maybe we should tell her to go away," he smirked.

"Don't be ridiculous," I huffed, pulling out a wrinkled shirt and jeans. I slipped them on as quickly as possible, hoping I looked decent.

"Okay," I asked, spinning in a circle.

"Yeah. Your hair is a bit...and your makeup..."

"Ugh, I don't have time to fix that," I groaned, "If she asks, I just fell asleep. Okay?"

"Okay," he nodded. My dress was still laying in the floor, and I swooped it up as I walked past.

"Lily," I greeted once I reached the door.

"Azalea. You look like you slept well," she laughed.

"Yes, I suppose," I gulped, "Here is your dress. Sorry for running out like that."

"It's okay. I'm just glad you came, and we spent some time together."

"Me too," I smiled. We swapped clothes, and I was thankful when she didn't ask any more questions.

"Well, I will be on my way. See you soon! You too, Sev!" She turned, heading back to her house. Severus shut the door gently behind her, a laugh escaping his lips.

"That was awkward."

"Um, yeah. Very."

"Well, want some breakfast? I'll cook."

"I would love that, Sev."

We spent the day laughing and goofing off, even playing a few muggle games. The next day he took me through town, showing some of the small shops and diners that were nearby. I enjoyed spending quality time with him, and was upset when our getaway together ended. But the break was over before we knew it, and we were suddenly back at school again. The very first day back, Lily cornered me after lunch.

"You have to tell me," she screamed, a huge grin on her face.

"Tell you what," I asked, trying to wiggle away.

"Um, tell me about what happened Christmas Eve? With Severus? I came over the next day and you two had obviously been fooling around. You should have seen your hair! And your makeup! And the way he got nervous when I wanted to speak to you! And not to mention, he answered the door without a shirt on! There was no way something didn't happen!"

"Well, um, I mean, we kissed a little, sure, but we didn't, we didn't know, if that's what you are asking."

"You must have done more than kissing! Look at you! You are a blushing mess," she giggled, touching my red cheeks.

"Well, I mean, I guess so. We just-he just-you know."

"Okay," she giggled, "I get it. You don't feel comfortable talking about sex. That's fine. You don't need to be embarrassed, though. It's a natural thing!"

I nodded, letting a small laugh escape my lips too. She was right, of course. The subject just made me uncomfortable, especially when I knew Severus still loved her, but was fooling around with me instead.

"Has he asked you yet? Made it official?"

"Made what official," I asked, confused.

"Is he your boyfriend, Azalea?"

"O-oh! No, no. He didn't ask anything. Does that make me a bad person? For still...messing around?"

"No, silly. Not at all. I can just tell he likes you a lot. He hasn't ever dated before, so this is new to him."

"It is new to me, too."

I heard a shoe squeak next to me, and I turned to see Peter. His eyes widened, his mouth opening to form a large 'O'. I watched as he turned and ran, yelling 'sorry' behind him. I sighed, ducking my head.

"He is about to tell Remus. What a rat," I hissed.

"Are you...still crushing on Remus, too? I thought...and he thought..."

"I don't know," I admitted, "There is something about him...something special. But...I...think I could fall in love with Severus, you know? And I don't know if I can see that with Remus anymore. After the way he treated me...I know we have different views about things, and I know he is really upset with me. It really drove me away. And yet...I still feel affection for him. I just don't know if it can be love, you know? Not in the long run. Maybe we were meant to just be friends."

"That, and after what happened with Severus," Lily laughed, winking at me.

"Well, yes, that was a bonus," I agreed, laughing back.

"Well, you know I am a really good listener. And I am also really good at dropping hints. Maybe I could drop a few to Sev? Get him to speed things up?"

"Sure," I laughed, "But don't pressure him. If he doesn't want to...we never really talked about what happened. He kissed me two more times over the break, but..."

"Oh. Well, he isn't much of a talker. Maybe you should initiate that conversation?"

"Okay," I sighed, "I will try."

Lily and I parted ways, saying our goodbyes. I waited all day for Remus to find me, to confront me about what I did. He never came. Maybe he knew, too. Maybe he knew he was close to losing me. Maybe, just maybe, he didn't want to try anymore.

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