Chapter 4 - The Bathrooms

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"You are really good at this," I murmured, trying to concentrate on the book. Did that say one stir, or two? Crush or cut?

"I know. And you aren't. Why did I agree to be partners with you again," Severus chuckled, stirring our potion twice.

"Because you like me?"

"I tolerate you."

"Fair enough," I laughed, deciding to watch him work.

"Wow, Severus. Got a new girlfriend? Ooh, a hufflepuff. What a lousy choice," came a sneering voice.
I glanced over, seeing a boy I had never met before. He had bright blonde hair that fell down to his chest. He was wearing slytherin robes. Why was he picking on Severus?

"Shut it, Lucius," Severus snapped back.

"It makes sense. You have always had a lousy taste in women "

"We haven't properly met," I interjected, feeling the anger rolling off Severus in waves, "I'm Azalea. And you are....?"

"Lucius Malfoy, at your service. A friend of Severus."

"Mmm. Friend," I remarked.

"Go back to your bench, Lucius. I don't want to have this discussion with you," Severus glared.

"Yeah, but you will," he laughed, walking away.

"Was that really a friend," I asked, "He was mean."

"In a sense. We have the same...interests."

"...muggleborn interests," I asked quietly, understanding immediately.
"What are you-"

"Remus told me. He told me you were thinking of joining a certain group," I said bitterly, crushing a beetle without thinking.

"You shouldn't always listen to what Remus says about me. He isn't as innocent as he sounds." He looked sideways at me, guilt in his eyes.

"You didn't answer the question."

"Have you already-"

"NO," he said loudly, causing a deafening silence in the room, "The answer is no."

I flinched away from him, putting distance between us. I couldn't stand to be yelled at. My eyes would always water and I could never make it stop.

"Don't cry. No, no, no. Don't do that. Oh gosh. What do I do? How do I fix this?"

"It's okay," I squeezed out, "I just um, I-I can't stand raised voices. It makes me um panic."

"Why are you such a hufflepuff?"

"Whatever," I spat out, "I need to use the restroom."

I rushed out of the room quickly, not stopping to answer the voice screaming at me to stop. I practically ran into the restroom, managing to slip into a stall before the heavy breaths began.

I hated myself. Why was I like this? I couldn't stand even the slightest bit of conflict without falling into a frenzy. He didn't even yell that loud. Maybe it was Malfoy. He was so rude. No one had ever been rude like that to my face. And what was so bad about being a hufflepuff? I'm a good person and a good friend. Is that not enough?

I couldn't stop shaking, my breathing erratic. In, out, in, out. I tried to focus, but my mind was reeling. It hurt to fight with Severus. We have only been friends for two months now, but I did really enjoy his company. He wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. And he didn't ask questions about my cane, my stumble, or my academic failure. It was nice. Better than that, really.

"Azalea," a voice echoed in the doorway. I could barely recognize it was him, much less answer. It was too late for that.

"Azalea, I'm sorry, okay? There. I said it. Will you come out now?" I still didn't move, my eyes wide. Severus? Sorry? Did he really just...apologize? Something in me fluttered, probably out of shock.

"Ugh I hope no one comes in here."
I heard his footsteps echoing across the bathroom, coming closer and closer to my stall. The door shook slightly as he tried to open it, the lock preventing this. He had been practicing wandless magic, though, and he had it open without a word.

"Oh, Zales. What are you doing?"
My body was still shaking, my breathes coming out steadier than before. It took everything in me to speak.


He stepped in, shutting and locking the door behind him. He slid down next to me, holding his arms awkwardly above me. Was he trying to comfort me?

I inched closer to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. It was nice to see Severus like this. I knew he had it in him, of course. I knew he wasn't a complete monster. Remus was wrong. Besides, this felt good and warm. I was enjoying it a little too much.

"Are you okay," he whispered after fifteen minutes had passed. His voice was husky, like he had just woken up. I nodded in response.

"Someone really messed you up, didn't they?" I didn't have an answer for that.

"You never talk about your parents," he murmured, turning to face me.

"You never talk about yours," I whispered back, not willing to open that can of worms.

We stared at each other for a long time, willing each other to be the first to look away. His eyes used to seem black, but now I could see the depth in them. Hints of amber and gold flecks throughout.

We seemed to be closer than before. How did that happen? Why? This is weird. We should probably stop. Right?

I cleared my throat and backed up, making sure we were no longer touching. I wasn't sure what happened in this bathroom, but I couldn't say I didn't like it. He was nice. Really nice. And he opened up to me, something he wasn't willing to do before. Dumbledore would be happy with that outcome.

"Come on, let's go eat," he stood, offering a hand to help me up. I stumbled up to my feet, placing my hands on his chest so I didn't fall. I laughed, reaching behind him and unlocking the door.

"Out we go," I sighed, following him out. I stood behind him, our hands still together. I don't think he realized. This is a little awkward. But that's what friends do, I guess. I wouldn't really know.

"Wow, what do we have here? Snape got a girlfriend? Snogging in the toilets? Makes sense for a slimy git like you," a familiar voice sneered, laughs echoing behind him.
I stepped out, our hands dropping quickly. My mouth opened in shock, only a slight exhale leaving me. James stood there along with his friends. Was he the one saying these mean things? And Remus? He was a part of this?

"O-oh. Azalea? What are you doing with him? In the bathroom of all places?"

"Does it matter," I questioned, staring at Remus as I spoke.

"Yes," Remus mouthed, but did not dare say aloud.

"I told you not to listen to everything they say, Zales. They lie and hide behind their masks," Severus sneered.
Before I could answer, he took me by the arm and dragged me down the hall, away from the group.

"W-woah! Sev! Please! Slow down!"

"Did you see the way he was looking at you? Of course he didn't want you to see that, otherwise you would have kept thinking of him so highly."

"What," I stopped, not sure what he meant.

"Nothing," he snapped, "You don't notice things like that. Remus is trying to use you. Don't you see that?"
Before I could defend myself or Remus, he began to shake his head. Then, without saying a word, he walked away. What just happened?

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