Chapter 2 - Partners

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I am shaking walking down the corridor, my mind racing. How could I ever hide this? What was Dumbledore thinking? He knows I'm not comfortable telling people about my condition.

Somehow, I have found my way to the empty classroom in the dungeons. I take deep breaths, trying to control the rumble of nerves deep inside. My arm shakes as I go to open the door, and I realize too late I am going to miss.

"Here, let me," a gentle voice breathes, a hand reaching out quickly. Before I could say anything, the door swung open.

"Are you okay? You are shaking pretty bad. Have you eaten today? Want some chocolate?" I glance up at who I recognize to be Remus, my stomach clenching. I shake my head, not daring to let my voice out. That was a beast I knew I could not tame.

"Okay, well I have some, if you want!" I could only nod again, quickly maneuvering inside.

I stuck my cane in front of me, my eyes darting around. The room has only four desks, with two already occupied. I moved my cane as inconspicuously as possible, hoping no one noticed.

I ended up next to Severus, with Remus on the other side. I wasn't sure why, but I felt much worse than before. Maybe it's Severus. His eyes tell me everything I need to know.

"Good evening, everyone," Dumbledore glided in. He was wearing a beautiful blue robe, his eyes sparkling under his half-moon glasses.

"Today, I want to talk about wandless magic. Not practice, talk. You see, this type of magic is very difficult to perform. I only learned because....." and on he droned. I was fidgeting, touching my face, my hair, wrenching my hands, tapping my feet. Anything to distract myself.

As the session came to an end, I realized Dumbledore was announcing an assignment. I jerked my head up, wondering what I missed.

"...and Severus and Azalea. These are your partners from now on. Tonight, I would like you to separate from the other group and only converse among yourselves. Get to know each other. You will need to be very close and get in each other's heads."

My eyes were wide, my panic very visible. I glanced at Severus, who didn't seem to care at all. Why did I say yes? I'm so stupid. I should have never agreed to something this ridiculous.

"Do you want to go for a walk among the grounds," I managed to spit out, my voice quiet and shaky.

"That is okay, I suppose." We began to walk, with only silence between us.

"What's up with the cane? I just noticed that you are swinging it around. You aren't blind, right?"

"No. That's not all they are used for, you know? I just have vision issues. That's all."

"Ah, don't want to get into details yet. That's fine. So...I guess we are stuck in this situation. I can't say I am particularly happy, but I can tell you aren't either. I am going to try very hard to succeed in this class, though. And I don't want you holding me back. So we are going to do everything he says and do it perfectly, understand?"

"Understood," I gulped, already terrified for my future.

"You are in hufflepuff, correct?"


"That figures, hufflepuffs are always the weak ones in the group. Or course I would get stuck with you."


"Of course you wouldn't know. Everyone lies to your face. They are too nice. I'm not nice. Just truthfull."

"Oh, uh, okay, I guess. I'm sorry you feel that way," I mumbled. I wish I was brave and could tell him off. Tell him what a slimy grease ball he was and how no decent human would ever want him near them. But I couldn't.

"Did you...just...apologize...for me you?" He was astonished. He really didn't comprehend my actions. That was a surprise.

"Um, yeah, I guess. I just am used to it. I apologize for anything. Childhood trauma, I guess." Crap! Why did I say that? And he thinks he is truthful!

"Oh, I get that, I suppose. I don't ever apologize for anything."

"I can tell."

"You have a bit of fire in there, I see. You need to have more than a little when it comes to succeeding. I won't be a failure. Not because of something like you." Something like me? Wow, that's a bit dramatic.

"Dramtic," he hissed. Whoops did I say that out loud? Oh no!

"I'm sorry," I cried, wincing at the sound of his voice. Suddenly, he backed up. His whole face changed.

"Trauma. Yeah. I see that. Look, let's start over. We have to make this work so I am going to try to be nice to you. Understand? Try."

"Okay," I nodded, "Tell me something about yourself. What's your favorite color?"


"Blue. I actually don't like this silly yellow, but I make it work. You know, green really suits you."

"Thanks, I guess. What do you do for fun?" Oh gosh, it feels like I'm on a date. Ugh.

"I draw a lot, and paint when I can. I like to read, ummm and I like to fly. I don't play quidditch though. I can't stand to lose, so I don't risk it."

"You? Competitive? No way. I don't see that!"

"I guess you will find out," I laughed, "What about you?"

"I mostly read, I like to do research. I fly too."

"We should do it together sometime. Increase our chances of "bonding"." He snickered alongside me, glancing down at me. I turned away, a blush on my cheeks. Please don't look. You will notice my eyes, how they slightly drift apart. Please.

He cleared his throat, stopping in place. I realized we had been walking for quite a while, and had made it back to the dungeons.

"I think I am going to leave now," he muttered.

"Okay. Want to meet again tomorrow? Maybe eat lunch together?"

"Are you crazy? No! I won't be seen with a hufflepuff! No, we will meet at night again, when no one is watching. Meet here. Deal?"

I nodded, watching him walk off. I wasn't quite sure what happened with him. At points, he could have been my friend. At other times, he very much was not. Why did I get partnered with him?

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