Chapter 12 - Christmas Eve

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I knocked on the door quietly, keeping my eyes on the ground. I felt awkward here, like I didn't belong. This place where Severus grew up...this place where his love for Lily began. It felt wrong. So, so wrong.

Lily answered the door, a wide grin on her face. She gestured for me to come in, and I did so hesitantly. The house wasn't much larger than Severus', but there was a large backyard. I could spot it from the door, and could see people moving about. There was, from what I could tell, a large tent being set up. How many people were out there? 5? 10? I couldn't be sure, as my eyes played tricks from this distance.

"Welcome! Come on, my room is this way!"

I followed Lily down a hall, stopping at the last door on the right. She ushered me inside, closing the door behind her. The room was not huge, but had a queen sized bed pushed into a corner.  There was a large desk against the side wall, makeup spewed across it. There were three large mirrors on the wall, and a tall lamp sitting directly above it. I could see boxes of brushes and pallets in the floor.

"So, I got out everything I owned," she giggled, "It is a bit much, I know. I just wasn't sure what to use. I know you like Severus, so I wanted to make sure you looked beautiful tonight." I snapped my head up in surprise, my eyes wide.

"You know," I squeaked.

"Of course," she laughed, "Sev told me you guys kissed. He asked for advice, and I told him to just be himself. And to stop being so grouchy."

"He should listen to you," I relaxed.

"Most definitely. Now come, sit in my chair! I will make you perfect!"

I sat down on the tall stool in front of the desk, facing Lily. I never wore makeup, so I wasn't sure how to use any of her products. She knew what she was doing, though. Immediately, she was rubbing something on my face. I closed my eyes quickly, letting myself relax under her touch.

" are pretty pale, like me. My foundation should match almost perfectly. I might have to darken it a bit...but it should work."

"I don't even know what that is," I laughed, letting her rub something else on me.

"You don't ever do your makeup," she gasped. I just shook my head, embarrassed.

"Wow. You look like that all on your own? Amazing. No wonder Sev likes you. And Remus, too." I nearly choked when she said his name.

"I would rather not talk about Remus," I muttered quietly.

"Of course. I get it." We held up conversation for thirty minutes while she did my make up. I laughed at her jokes and silly stories, and she laughed at mine. I slowly came to realize that Lily was a wonderful person. But I couldn't stop the jealousy that flowed through me like a river.

"Done! Now time for the hair!"

I didn't get a chance to look at my face. She grabbed a curling iron and plugged it in, tapping her chin afterwards. I watched her as she made a decision.

"Half and half," she decided, "And, I have some cute pins to go in it. Sev is going to die when he sees you."

I laughed quietly, letting her play with my hair. I shivered as she ran her hand through it, the feeling foreign to me. She ran a brush through my many knots, smoothing my messy hair. She began to pull up the top half of my hair, leaving two small strands in the front. I watched as her hands moved, gentle and caring. I wish I moved like that.

I jumped when I felt the heat near my scalp. She laughed, telling me to relax. She said I would get burned if I didn't. I felt her tug on my hair, and I felt the heat when the curled strands hit my shoulder and neck. Then, I felt the pins jabbing into my scalp. I yelped when I felt the first one, and Lily apologized profusely. After that, it wasn't so bad.

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