Chapter 25 - Our Future

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It was hard to plan for our futures. The professors were constantly talking about it. It was time to make a plan. It was time to study so we can have the futures we wanted. And so they piled us with work, which seemed to be contradictory of them. How could I plan my future when I was busy with all of the work instead? I can't focus on a career path when all I could think about was the assignment I forgot.

Severus admitted that he had not thought much about this subject, either. He was already getting a small salary for participating as a death eater. If he became more active, he would receive more money. That was all he had for now. All he could think to do. He wondered if he would be placed somewhere, such as the ministry. He said it wasn't really up to him whether or not he got his dream job. When I asked him what that might be, he evaded me. Claimed it was silly and would never happen, anyways.

I begged him for advice. I didn't feel particularly drawn towards anything. I wasn't brave enough to be in the field. I was bored by the thought of the ministry. The thought of going into health made me shudder. I found something wrong with everything. I just couldn't find anything that made me feel happy. I guessed I would settle for something. I would have to. I couldn't take care of a baby otherwise.

"I give up," I sighed, closing the pamphlet I was holding. It was detailed with all the positions in the ministry, telling what was available and the descriptions. It changed constantly, but it didn't really matter. I hated all of it, anyways.

"I did that a long time ago," Severus snorted, falling backwards onto the couch. I sighed loudly, scrunching my nose in annoyance.

"I can't give up. Not really. I have to find something. I can't afford a baby if I can't afford myself," I sighed.

"Don't worry about that. I'm going to take care of you both," he whispered, turning to look in my eyes.

"That's sweet, Sev, but no. I don't want to be dependent on a man. You understand that, right?"

"How about this," he cleared his throat, "I can work more for the Dark Lord. Don't object, we both know I must get deeper in the ranks. I work more, I get more money. I know it's stolen money, but we will need it. I will get enough money to take care of us all. You can be a stay at home mom for a little while. Only for a year or two, when the baby needs you the most. Then you can find a job, if you so wish. But until then, let me take care of you. You can lay low, hide somewhere safe. Wait out the war. Please, can you do that?"

"Somewhere safe," I scoffed, "And never see you? No way! I know I'm not the fighting type, but I don't want to be tucked away while you fight. How would I ever know what happened to you? I know you better than anyone! Who better to stay by your side? Who better to fight for you?"

"I didn't say you would be away from me," he whispered quietly, "And I won't have you anywhere near the war. I won't stand for it."

"Where would I go," I whispered, "You would never be able to come visit me. Never. There are spys everywhere. Someone would follow you to me, to the baby. They would find out about us, and kill us both. Then they would get to you. I won't put you in that danger," I spat out. There was no good solution. Not when it came to this.

"Then live with me," he sat up quickly, crawling to me.

"What," I gaped, surprised. He had never talked about this before.

"Live with me. If I am just going home, no one will ever know. I will put up wards. Safety measures. I will make sure no one will ever touch you or the child. I swear, I will protect you both with my life. What better way to keep you safe? Who better, as you said before?"

"I don't know, Severus. That's a bit untraditional-"

"Forget untraditional," he cried out, grabbing my shoulders, "That's not what this is about! We are in a war, Azalea! A war! What's so traditional about that, huh?"

"While that is a valid point, I just don't want you to be in danger because of your muggleborn girlfriend. You know?"

"Then don't be my girlfriend," he whispered, grabbing my face into his hands. I felt my heart drop at his words, my eyes wide. He couldn't really mean that. Could he?

"Be my wife." I gaped up at him, shocked. Was he serious?

"I don't have a ring right now," he whispered frantically, "But you have the ring I gave you last year. Switch fingers, Azalea. I love you with all my heart, and I couldn't bare a world without you in it. I need you by my side. I need to come home to you every day. I could never commit to this role knowing I had nothing to come home to. No one. And I know your greatest concern is for the child right now. So I swear, Azalea, I will love the child like my own. We will treat it likes it's ours. Please, Azalea. This is what is right for all of us. Marry me." He silently slipped the ring off of my index finger, hovering it above my ring finger. He waited for my approval, not moving an inch. I could see his hand shake, his nerves finally breaking through.


"Don't overthink this," he hissed, "You know what you feel in your heart. Just yes or no. Don't think."

"Yes," I blurted, covering my mouth with my hand. I can't believe I just did that.

He grinned, slipping the ring on before bringing me into a kiss. I gasped as he pulled me tight, feeling all of his emotions through his touch. It started off gentle yet intimate, and grew to be so much more powerful. The stress of the past few months had overwhelmed us, and I could feel it all coming out.

"I love you," I whispered between kisses, still shocked.

"I love you, too, Azalea. More than you will ever know."

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