Chapter 11 - Spinner's End

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The train ride was unbearably awkward. I sat with Remus and his friends, but I felt like an outsider. It was obvious that he was upset with me. I knew he didn't like that I was staying with Severus. But I didn't want to be alone. And I couldn't go home. If Remus had asked first, maybe it would be him I was going with instead.

"Well, Azalea. I guess it will be a minute before we see each other again," James announced as we pulled into the station.

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Give Lily my love, will you? If you see her, that is."

"Of course, James."

I looked at Remus, hoping he would speak to me. I didn't care what he said. Something. Anything. It didn't really matter at this point.

"Okay, then," I sighed. I stood, keeping my eyes on him. Come on, Remus. Give me something!

"See you next year," he grumbled after James elbowed him.

"Yes. Of course."

I rushed away, my eyes stinging. He hated me that much? Was he that mad? Couldn't he understand? I didn't have anyone, anything! And I have pushed people away for so long. I don't have any friends. So when it was offered...I accepted. Couldn't he understand that?

I followed the crowd, stopping at the nearest wall. I should have sat with Severus. Sure, his friends are mean, but at least my heart wouldn't be hurting like this. It was so painful. And now I was in a crowded room, my ride no where in sight.

"Azalea," I heard a kind, soft voice. I turned in surprise, Lily standing next to me. She had a beautiful smile, her green eyes sparkling. She had on jeans and an oversized, red sweater, but even then you could see her beauty. I gulped, swallowing my jealousy. Why couldn't I look like her?

"Hello, Lily."

"You and Severus will ride with me and mother. That's okay, right? We live right next to each other, and with his parents gone..."

"Oh," I murmured, my eyes wide. Ride with Lily? How much worse could my day get?

"Oh, there's Sev! Sev, we are over here," she called, waving.

He soon joined us, and we left the platform. Lily's mother was very kind, and welcomed me with a brilliant smile. I could see who Lily got her looks from.

"So, kids. We are having a big dinner on Christmas, and I would love to celebrate with you two! Severus usually joins us, of course, but I would be honored if you would too, Azalea. It will just be our little family and some friends, of course. I just love to cook, though. And I always have so much leftover," she laughed, looking at me through the mirror. I swallowed, nodding slightly.

"O-of course. I would love to."

"Oh, how wonderful! I will say, it is a formal event! We don't get to dress up, often. This is the best time to do it, though! It will start at 7 on Christmas Eve! Oh, I just can't wait!"

I gave a panicked look to Severus, not sure I should have agreed. I don't own anything formal. I've never needed it. What was I going to do?

"You can come to my house to get ready," Lily interrupted my thoughts, "I am sure you didn't pack for a formal event. I have plenty of things for you to choose, and I am decent at makeup! It can be a girls day, and we can get to know each other better!"

"Oh, yes. That would be wonderful. Thank you, Lily," I sighed, relieved.

The car ride went quickly after that, and we arrived to our destination before I realized. Mrs. Evans stopped at the end of the driveway, allowing us to get out and grab our things. Severus grabbed my bag before I could, giving me a pointed look. I held my hands up in defense, a small giggle escaping my lips.

"We will see you both soon. Thanks for the ride," I waved, smiling as they drove away.

We walked quietly to the house. I cleared my throat as he opened the door, allowing me to walk in first. His house wasn't large and expensive. It was small and quaint, just the way I liked it.

"Its very quaint," I murmured, noticing the absence of pictures on the wall. Everywhere I looked there was floral wallpaper, but no pictures.

"Yes, I suppose," he sighed, leading me down a short hall.

He led me into a dark grey room, a four poster bed with a green comforter in the middle. There was a small dresser to the side, and a nightstand in a corner. There was a small black lamp on the nightstand, and a few quidditch posters hanging on the walls.

"This is my room," he glanced down at me, "You will stay in here. We don't have a guest room."

"Where will you stay," I whispered, shifting from one leg to another.

"The couch," he looked down, waiting on my reaction.


I walked forwards, running my hand along the wall. I touched my hand to the bed, grabbing one of the poles. I used it to swing myself forwards, landing on the bed with a thud. I laughed, looking to see Severus still in the doorway.

"I suppose this will do," I joked.

"It will have to do." He placed our bags in front of the dresser, then began to walk towards me. I watched as he opened the nightstand, pulling out a small object. He held it out to me, a sheepish smile on his face.

"I know it is early, but I got you something. It was my mother's. She tried to throw it out, but I saved it. I have taken it to school with me in previous years, but I forgot it this time. I think it was meant to be yours, instead."

In his hands was a plain, black banded ring. I took the ring into my hand, turning it to examine. There was a small inscription on the inside. 12-25. There was no initials, no year. Just those four numbers.

"I don't know what the date means," he shrugged, "But I know she hates Christmas. That's why she didn't want it. But I don't hate Christmas. I thought it would bring me luck. Silly, I know. Maybe it will bring you some."

"No one ever gets me gifts," I muttered, slipping the ring on my left index finger.

"Not even your parents?"

"No," I chuckled darkly, "After what I did..."

"Will you tell me," he asked, eyes bright and kind.


"I won't judge. Trust me, please?"

"I trust you," I looked into his eyes, releasing a big sigh.

"I was seven years old," I began, wringing my hands, "My parents fought constantly. My mother was emotionally abusive to us both, and would constantly start fights with us both. She never hit us, but she was really manipulative and very good at hitting soft spots. At seven years old, I hated myself. I had a little sister, she was only three. She...she died right after her third birthday. She drowned in the bathtub. An accident, supposedly. That was in the police report, anyways. I heard them arguing one day. My mother was saying my father was a terrible man. That he was unfit to be a father. That he didn't deserve a daughter. He...he said that he did, but she didn't. That he saved Adeline. He said he was the one who drowned her, because he didn't want her to live in a world where she would be abused. Then, he said he would take me away next. He said he would kill me, then himself, so she would be left with nothing. I screamed when he said that, scared for my life. And suddenly, his body was flying into the wall. I ran to him, of course. I didn't mean to do it. He was covered in blood. He was gone instantly. And the screams...oh the screams. My mother was screaming 'what have you done'. I didn't know, though. I didn't know about my powers. And it was my fault he died. I know I was young, and didn't know but...he needed mental help. They both did. And instead..."

"And now she can't even look at you," he whispered. I nodded, a tear escaping my eye.

"It wasn't your fault. But it was very traumatic, and I can see how much pain it has caused you. And I assume her abuse got worse. Emotional or physical, abuse is abuse. And it takes time to heal. I will do everything I can to help you. Anything you need, anything I can do, even if it just listening, I will do. I would do anything for you, Azalea," he whispered, pulling me into his arms.

I let the tears fall, then. I clung to him, weeping into his shoulder. This was exactly what I needed. A friend to talk to.

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