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Part 42-- Wedding night.

Bela's pov

Amie: Awww! Look at her. She has turned into cherries literally.

Amie teased along with others.

Amie: Now boys, you may leave. We need to give some tips to the bride. As we know very well, Mahir is must with his friends. So we should better prepare her.

I frowned.
Jonas, Kim, Jonathan, Lucas Kevin and all my others friends congrats me again, wishes good luck, winking, they left.

Bhai has already left with mom, after dropping me here in our new bungalow. He's disappointed with him I know. But I tried my best to make him understand that I know where he has gone. But still.

I wish Mom could talk to me. Her eyes were brimming with tear seeing me married. I'm sure she's happy. God please, make my mom like before. It's been 4 years now. I'm literally dieing everyday to listen her voice.

Currently, Amie, Akansha, Kuhu are present with me. I know what will happen now. They will start their teasing session, give me unwanted tips for my wedding night. Amie already started that since a month. I don't know what have left. She still doesn't believe me and Mahir haven't done 'that' . She used say she knows we are pro at it by now, still this night will be special and different for both of us. My cheeks tinted pink as they keep saying all those stuff.
But the Man I am waiting till now is missing. Where are you Mr. Sehgal? Your wife is waiting for you. I blushed thinking about him.

"Hey! Are you listening?"

Akansha clicked her fingers infront of me.

Me: Yeah, Ofcourse. How could I miss your 'oh so vital tips'.

Amie: Good. Now listen, remember what I said to you? Seduce him till his death, tease him, make it difficult for him.

I suddenly look at Kuhu, She was chuckling.

Ok, I felt shy suddenly. They were openly talking about her brother's sex life with me Infront of her.

She noticed me that I get embarrassed.
I quickly changed the topic.

Me: Enough ok, Amie. Don't say all these.

Amie: Hey you are too innocent. His friends may be putting so many ideas into his head. So you be-

Me: Mahir isn't like that. He wouldn't discuss about all these stuff with his friends.

Akansha: Ohooo..

She sang teasingly.

Kuhu: Seems like, my brother is wrapped around your little finger.

It's really so embarrassing now.

Amie: Very true. You know Kuhu, Mahir is head over heal in love with her since day one.

Akansha: You know you became completely red by now... Awww.

Kuhu giggles and came to me. She hugged me.

Kuhu: I am really happy today Bela. My little brother got married today. With love of his life. I know how much he respect you, how much he adore you. You know mom isn't happy with this relationship, infact Arav also. But eventually all will be ok. And we will be together then. But Mahir will stand by your side no matter what. I can promise you that.

I smiled at her.

Then I also hugged her.

Kuhu: Have a great night.

Saying she winked.

Me: You too!

Kuhu: Why not. Us ladke ko kya bolun khud ki shadi se gayab ho gaya. Now on, you have handle him in your own way. You know how childish he is.

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