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Part 32- "Don't leave me ever"

Author's Pov

Mahir went back in Ahuja Mansion at night around ten pm.
He saw Arav is on phone and all the guards and her manager are gathering in the hall.

Arav: Mahir, there you are.

He came to him.

Arav: Do you know where is Bela? She doesn't attend my calls. This stupid good for nothing guards also don't have any clue. Her Manager said he saw her in the evening. She left from the office hurriedly. And moreover she didn't take any guards with her

Mahir: What?

Mahir said. His voice is filled with horror.

Arav: Please bring her back. I don't know where she is. I , I

Mahir: I'll be back with her. I promise.

Stating this he ran towards her door.
His hand went to his pocket to search his phone but it wasn't there.


Mahir cursed loudly.

Arav: What happened Mahir?

Mahir: My phone. I think I lost it in office.
Now how will I_

Nancy, their reception immediately came to him and gives his phone to him.

Nancy: Mr. Sehgal, you forget it in office. The pion came and submit it here.

Mahir: Th-thank you.

He rush towards the car, almost stumbled on his feet.
He immediately gets into the car and drove off.

He sets gps system on her car which is connected with his mobile. He immediately track the location. He drove rashly. Sweat appears in him forehead. He remembers what happened last time when they fought, she got kidnapped.
That image kept coming Infront of his eyes. He mentally cursed himself for behaving rudely with her.

Finally he reached to the destination.
He saw her car is parking near a old bar.

He came out of the car and ran towards the bar.

It's a very very old bar. It's almost empty. Some old people and some Gangstar type men were drinking and smoking. One girl with  revealing clothings serves them with her suggestive moves. This makes him feeling so suffocating.

Mahir: Where is she? Aisi jagah itni raat ko?

He mumbled to himself running here and there, searching for her.

He ran towards the rooms and knocked every room. There are people fucking each other. They cursed him, but he searched every corner of every rooms. Mahir feels very very disgusted. And more than than he is scared.

He almost checked all the rooms, every corner of that bar but she is nowhere to be found.

He checked the gents bathroom also.

Then he stood near the female bathroom. He was confused what to do.
He first tried to push it but it was locked from inside. Then he thought to wait. But minutes passed. No-one come out of this bathroom. He got suspicious. He leaned towards the door and placed his ear on the door.

He heard some breaking noises and a girl's scream. Which was not Bela's.

But that was enough for him to know that something was wrong. He broke the door in one hard kick.

The scenes before him blown his mind.
He saw Bela was lying on the floor. one man was hovering upon her and she cried for help. The other goon was just going to inject her the drug. And on the other side a man is kicking on a girl's belly.

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