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Part 9 -- A terrible night

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Part 9 -- A terrible night

Mahir's Pov

2 days passed.
She is completely engrossed in her work.
She used to work whole day and night in these 2 days. I am regretting now.
Why did I become so selfish?
Why did I demand for a day off.

And the worst she has a little fever also. She even forget to had her meal and medicine but I force her to eat from time to time. Such a workaholic person she is!

Suddenly that irritating monkey (CEO) entered in her cabin. He is way too irritating, always finds way flirting with her.
He sat on the chair and started his nonsense talks. But thankfully Bela shut his mouth by saying that why did he came.
I gave him a victory smile. It seems we both know that we hate each other. I tried my best to keep him away from Bela but the more I try he clinged with her more. And he a great excuse with him, their work.

Then they discussed some work related things.
After this ,he hold her hand.
My blood boiled.
How dare him!

Bela's Pov

Uff ,he is really soo irritating. I can't tolerate him for a single minute but I have to. work is work.
After that he hold my hand suddenly and proposed me for a date.
Am I looking mad or what.
I was about to jerk his hand away when suddenly my eyes fall on Mahir. He is glaring at him and gritted his teeth as he will eat him raw. He is looking so funny. I know he doesn't like Ryan. Whenever Ryan is around me he always gives disgusted expression. he always seems unpleased by his presence.

I don't know why I enjoy this internally. So I smiled at Ryan and agreed to his proposal. Mahir was already looking at me with hopeful eyes. When I said yes to him. His face dropped. And the very moment I regretted for my doing.

Mahir's Pov

I was hoping for a negative reply from her. But damn she says yess!
Something dropped inside me. I felt burning sensation in my whole body.
And that Ryan shows his awful teeth to us. And gives her details for the date. As if he planned this for so long. I want to kill this monkey right now. I want to break all his yellow teeth, i want to snatch those goiter sized eye. I want to beat him like a punching bag. But I obviously can't.
Hat's off to my patience level!

He then left the cabin not before giving me a winner smirk.

In the car,

Bela: Ryan looks nice na. I mean he is so caring. He is always like this. I can't wait for tomorrow. I am really excited. And...
By the way, why are you not saying anything?
Waise to kabhi rukte e nahi ho...aur ab..

Mahir: Nothing. Actually I don't think you should go.

She snapped her head at me.

Me: I,I mean to say, you are working continuously for these 2 days. And now finally you have some free time, You should take rest.

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