Part- 25

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Part 25-- Everything back to normal again...

Bela's Pov

In flight,

Bhai: Bela, you said you were in MJ Road. They kidnapped you from there. And when you woke up you were in India.
What are you there? And why didn't you take guards with you?

Me: I was upset for some reason. So I needed some alone time that's why I didn't take guards with me.

Bhai: But what are you doing there? it's almost 4 hours from our residence.

Me: Bhai, I don't want remember those things. It was so horrible.
I know you are concerned and stressed. I..

Bhai: I am so sorry. Okay. I will never talk about it. You don't need to remember all those things. Police will handle their self.

Me: Thanks bhai.

I leaned against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

I don't want to remember it, but every thing is fresh in my mind.

I was so upset that day. When I left Mahir's house, I am literally broke down. I got into the car, and started driving very very rashly. I thought everything was over, between him and me. I was a crying mess. Then suddenly I had to pull breaks and the car stopped. I came out and saw the tires were punctured due to some glass pieces. I was about go to the backside of the car, for new tires. Then suddenly a van stopped. A middle age man came out, and offered me help. I declined but he still insisted. Then he caught my wrist and start pulling me. I jerks his hand and pushed him hardly. Then 3 other men came out from the van. I knew something was wrong, I was about to call bhai, but someone hold me from behind throw the phone. I kicked between his legs, and punched him. I fought as much I could. It was already dark. Noone was there to help me. There were 4 well built men, but I still tried. They gave me anesthesia. And then when I woke up, I was already kidnapped. It was a dark room, no chances for slightest amount of light. My hands and legs were tied with chains...

"You okay??"

I almost jumped from my seat. I saw bhai was looking at me with concern.
Then I saw I was literally pierced my nails in arms.

Me: Yeah, yeah. I am. It was nothing. sorry..

Bhai: It was bad dream Bela. We all are with you.

He kissed my head and I leaned back to his shoulder.
I turned to the opposite side. I saw Mahir is staring at me. He smiles at me. A smile automatically takes place in my lips. He looks happy.

Me: Yeah. I know. You all are with me.


Author's Pov

Then the flight landed.

They were walking out from the airport, then they saw Asad was standing their with flowers.

Asad come to them and gave that bouquet to Bela..

He side hugged her.

Asad: Welcome back Bela. So glad to see you again.

Then he broke the hug, kissed her cheek.

Bela: Thank you for the flowers Asad, they are so pretty.

Asad: Not more than you. It's my pleasure you liked it.
By the way, how are you now ?

Bela: I am much more better now.

Amke: Okay, let's go home now. She had a long journey. She needs rest. Rest of your talk can be done later.

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