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Part12-- It's complicated

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Part12-- It's complicated

Amelia's Pov

After what happened 3 days back, I can not able to talk with Bells. As she always  busy in her office. When I woke up she already leaves and when she comes back I used to go in my dreamland .Such a workaholic. But I know,from inside how much broken she is. And probably that's the reason she kept her this busy in her work.
She is just perfect, I think more than perfect. My parents always say me to be like her. I say them that She is one and only. No-one can be like her. Then what's the problem?
That shit headed jerk, that looser .
Who the hell is he to break her heart.
I am not able understand that what's his problem. He loves her. And that is very very clear. And Now my Bells also falling for him. And he kind of rejected her!!? Is he trying to play with her?

Today I will not sleep. I went to bathroom for 5 times to sprinkle water in my eyes. I set my alarm for safety. It's 12 am now. I came out from my room to find her coming back. I saw she entered with her guards behind. And that Mahir was also there. He never took his eyes away from.
I so want to split coffee in between of his legs in my style.

Bela enters the lift and went to her room. I think she should freshen up. Then I will talk to her. After 30 mins I went to her room and knocked her door.

She opened the door.

Bells:  Amie you here? At this time? Is there any problem?

Me: Why? Shouldn't I just come to talk with my bestie?

She smiles.

Bells: Come, inside.

Then we settle ourselves on her bed.

Me: So, how's your day?

Bells: Good.

Me: And how are you?

Bells: What is happening to you? You came here 1 am to ask about my well beings?
Tell me clearly is there any problem?You know I am with you.

She held my hand.

Me: Nothing. As I can see you are so busy, we living in same mansion, even we hadn't talked for 4 days so I just came to you.

She smiles weakly.

Me: You didn't answer me, how are you?

Bells: I'm good.

She says without looking at me.
I know she is a perfectionist, in everything , but her acting skills are so poor.

Me: You know, you can't lie. And you will feel relieved after sharing your feelings.

Bells: I don't know what are you talking about.

Me: I am talking about you and Mahir.

Her eyes become still after listening his name.

Bells: He already said that there is nothing between us. Then I don't think there's anything left. There is no point of discussing .

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