Part- 34

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Chapter 34 -- Unexpected

Days are Passing,
And with time Arav's behaviour towards Mahir changing more and more. On the other hand, He keeps Bela as busy as possible in work, meetings, parties e.t.c e.t.c.

The project Bela and Asad is working together is almost at it's final stage. So  Bela also drowned into her work unable to see anything. Mahir was getting hurt day by day. And moreover that he was started feeling insecure. Whenever He saw Bela and Asad together, it triggers more. Infront of him people used to say how perfect they look together.


Today there was a Party at Asad's place. As they have done with their project and already got offered for a new one.
Mahir couldn't come with them as he got his duty to guard the Ahuja Mansion.

In the party,
Bela and Arav was standing with their drinks. When everyone was dancing, celebrating their success. Asad came to them.

Asad: Come guys.

Bela: No. Thanks.

Asad: C'mon, We worked so hard. Now it's time to party.

He said dragging Bela's arm.

Bela: But Bhai.

Bela: Yes. Yes. Go.

Bela nodded her head.
She smiles and accepted.

Then only Mahir entered with Amie.

Luke, one of their guard has emergency at his home so he called Mahir to come there. This was a private party. So guards were only guarding outside of the house.

Amie was late. When she was coming, she saw Mahir outside. She insisted him a lot to come in. But he denied. So she dragged him inside the party.

Mahir saw how Bela smilingly accept Asad's dance proposal. Somehow he got hurt again. It was becoming frustrating for him.

Amie dragged him and saw Arav.

Amie: Hey Boss.

Arav turned and saw them.

Arav: Hello.

Arav eyed on Mahir.

Arav: I thought the guards was told to be guarding outside.

Mahir: I. I was ther_

Amie: Oh c'mon. It's okay to not behave like a jerk all the time. He is a friend. And moreover I invited him. That's it.

She said wrapping her arms around him.

Amie: You are most Welcome. Mr. Mahir Sehgal.

She grinned broadly.

Then everyone approached Amie to join them. Within few months she became everyone's favourite in the office.

Amie: Sorry guys. But I've my partner for tonight.

The boy's face fall in disappoint.

Amie: Can I have a dance with you?

She said beaming and Mahir slightly smiles and they went on the dance floor.

Amie: So? Where is your Mam?

Mahir: I don't know.

Amie: Oh c'mon. You know everything about her. You literally gawking at her every time and so does she.

Mahir: I wish.
He mumbled under his breath.

Amie: What?

Mahir: She doesn't have time for all this.

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