Part 40

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Part 40 - Wedding Bells

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Part 40 - Wedding Bells

Mahir's Pov

4 days later,

I was being called by Arav in his cabin. And I'm just hell nervous and scared too.
Bela consoled me hundredth times that it's just a casual meeting, not to take much tension. But I'm sure he still didn't like me at all.

4 days ago, when we got out of the court. There was a huge crowd of media. I don't know how they got to know about the news. But It was impossible to avoid them. As it's important to make a good relationship with press for their business. They keep questioning why did we do it secretively. Is there anything wrong and all.
With no option left, Asad suggest Arav to tell the media that me and Bela going to get married next month. It was just a private marriage registration.

Arav wasn't looking pleasant ofcourse. Just to get out of the situation, he split that out. But now he didn't have any other options left.

After that I went to my home. Mom was extremely angry. She wasn't even ready to listen a word from me. I did everything possible. But she clearly mentioned she won't allow Bela in her home even for a second.
Lastly with no option left, I gives her my swear to attend the wedding. I know I shouldn't do that but how can we start our new life without my mom's presence.
She agreed but she put a condition. She said that she'll come as I give her my swear. But told me to make sure there is no paparazzi. Which is quite impossible, as every day they gather near her building, office and wherever she goes. All this has increased since the news of our marriage broke all of sudden. When Bela got to know my mom's condition she said there'll be no media in the ceremony till my mom will be present there. It's okay if my is not comfortable infront of the media there is no pressure She'll manage. I'm really greatful to have her in my life.

I was thinking all of these, when my phone started ringing. Bela.

Bela: Hey, don't panick ok.

Me: Hmm.

Bela: He doesn't bite.

I heard her chuckling then some giggles from behind.

Or may be he do bite.

Amie says while laughing. Oh, her phone was on loud speaker.

Amie: OMG! Just imagine Arav is biting Mahir. Hahahahh. Giving me another idea.. hahahaha.

They keep teasing me. But I was too nervous to get the fun out of these jokes.

Suddenly His secretary came out and tell me to go in. I hang up the call saying goodbye bye to them.

I nervously stand up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and went in.

He looks up from his ipad.

Arav: Seat.

Me: Thanks.

He opened his drawer, took out two files and pushed it towards me.

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