Part- 31

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Part 31-- It's the silence before storm

Mahir's Pov

I thought the cut wasn't deep on my hand. But it came out really nasty and bad. I had a deep infection on my hand. Some glass pieces remain deep into my skin. The doctors said I have to go through some medica procedure. It will take some time to heal. I had given 21 days rest.

Bela was extremely angry on me at first. When we went to the hospital. She gives me silent treatment for hurting myself for her. Then eventually she melted seeing my pain. She always busy taking care of me.

Right now she is changing my bandage. We are in my quarter. I am staring at her as always.

Her phone started ranging.
She attended the call and put it on loud speaker. She continues what she was doing.

Bela: Yes bhai.

Arav: Where are you?

Bela: Mahir's quarter.

She said absent mindedly.
My eyes widened and shake her hand. Glaring towards the phone.

Arav: What?

Bela: Yes. Um.erm. Wo. I actually came to see How he was doing.

Arav: Ok. Stay there. I am coming there in 15 minutes.

He hung up the call.

Me: Panick started resurfacing me.

Bela: I was just lost. I was checking your wound. I didn't even know what I was saying.

Me: I hope he didn't took it any other way.

She keeps the first aid kit in the side table. Taking my hand in her.

Bela: How are you feeling today?

Me: You asked me 5 minutes before also.
I am sure you keep thinking about my wound in work also.

Bela: I can't help it.

A idea came to my mind. I smirked at her.

Me; Actually you can. Kiss me. I will feel better.

She slightly smiles. Taking my hand near her mouth. And placed a gentle kiss on it.

Me: That isn't fair with my lips.

She rolled her eyes.

Me: Hey. kiss me.

Bela: You are forgetting. Bhai can come anytime in the room.

Mahir: C'mon. A quick one. Please. I haven't see you for a whole day.

I pouted.

She smiled and leaned towards me. She closed her eyes. giving me peck.
And I was more than happy. I thought she'll pulling back but
She opened her eyes. Looking into mine. She leaned down again, took my upper lip between hers. My hand reached to her neck. Pulling her closer. I took my bottom lip between my teeth.

Suddenly we hard a hard knock on the door. We jumped apart. Bela sat at the other edge , when I was at another side of the bed.

Arav stepped in.

He looks at us, and then scanned the room for a moment.

I was so nervous. If he hard something. If_

Bela: B-bhai.

She cleared her throat.

Bela: I. Um. I was just going to you. You.

Arav: No. It's ok. I came here purposely.

He turned towards me.

I gulped in extreme nervousness. Feeling like a school child who just get caught by the principal flirting with her daughter.

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