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Part 11-- Truth or Dare

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Part 11-- Truth or Dare

Mahir's pov

She is working in study room.
We are outside of the room. Me and other guards.
I heard Amelia screaming Bela's name. The other guards get alert. But now I knew she can not talk without screaming.
She came to the study room and about to enter, when she saw me.

Amelia: You here also? Why? Now don't tell me that your parents are also out of the town and you get scared of living alone in your house.

The guards looked at her confused because we are recruited for 24 hours service.

I take her to the other side.

Amelia: Why aren't you entering to the room? Awww, someone is shying...

She thinks I am shying to see her that's why I am waiting outside.! Like seriously!
It's my job duffer.

Amelia: Oooo. Now I understand. You are already on your way to buttering her brother. So that you can easily convince him to marr...

Me: Nothing like that. You are thinking it in wrong way.

She rolled her eyes.

Amelia: Enough,ok. Why are you continuously lying to me. I can easily read anyone's eyes. I am expert in that case. You can say, I am not doing PhD in business and finance but in love. I kept felling in love at least twice in a week.
I am 100% sure you are in love with her.

She kind of yelled. I sign her to talk slow for god's sake.

Amelia: Now let me help you. But I am telling you, his brother... Aaarrgghhh. He is so peculiar. He is so bossy. He always sticked with Bela like glue. He never allowed any boys to nearing her. Like seriously. Bela is a grown independent adult. But she also never protest her brother's dominant behaviour.
So it's definitely gonna be so difficult for you. But he is damn hot.

What is she saying actually?
And why am I taking tips from her that I will never need.
But I don't think I have any other option. I have to listen her stupid talks.
She is continuously giving me tips...But thankfully Bela came out from the study room and took her to her room.


We are in dining .

Amelia, Bela are sitting. When Amelia came to me and told to seat with them. I told her that I'm not hungry.

Author's Pov

Aarav came down.

Aarav expression changed by seeing Amelia. He doesn't like her much as he thinks that she will spoil Bela.

Bela: Bhai..

She gets up and side hugged him..

Aarav: How's your day princess?

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