Part - 39

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Part 39-- Love & Family

Author's Pov

Bela: Mahir wait 1 minute.

Mahir: What happened?

Bela: I just wanted to meet bhai. For once. Please.

Mahir: Are you crazy? What if he wakes up?

Bela: He wouldn't. He is a tight sleeper and moreover he is on his medicines. Please Mahir..

Mahir: Okay you go. I am waiting here.

Bela pecked his cheeks and left.
She slowly went in Arav's room without making any noise.
She saw he is sleeping soundly.
She sat beside him and caressed his hair lightly.

Bela: I'm sorry. I am being such a selfish sister. But trust me, I love you the mostest in this world. You are and you will always be my hero.

She kissed his forehead.
Then went towards his feet.
She touched his feet and took blessings.

Bela: Your Bela will be back and convince you. This is my promise to myself.

Then she went to her mom's room, took her blessings and left.

Bela went back to her room.

Bela: Let's go.

Bela went towards her window and put her bagpack on her shoulder.

She was about to go out when Mahir hold her hand and pulled back.

Bela: Whattt? Aren't we going.

Mahir: Ofcourse we are going. But do you really think, I will let you climb down like this?

Bela: But you came like that?

Amie: Yes, because he is a bodyguard. He is trained.

Saying Amie walks inside the room.
Bela startled hearing her voice. She got nervous.

Bela: Amie!!
Actually, we. Mahir -he just came.

Amie: Relax. Mahir told me everything.

Mahir: Yes, Bela. I told everything to her and Kuhu.

She came and hold her hands.

Amie: I think this is right. Once you get married in court, Arav can't do anything. After that you can convince your families, then you can get married in grand way whenever you want.

Bela nodded.

Amie: I can't wait to be your bridemaid.

She says dreamily.

Bela: What if bhai gets to know in between. He will be hell angry or he will be tensed for me. Thinking I am missing.

Amie: Don't worry Bells. I will keep him busy these two days. You will be back before he gets to know. And if he asked about you I'll tell you are out for a friend's get together. Every thing will be fine.

Mahir: Thanks.

Amie turned to him

Amie: You. Better take care of her nicely. A little cut on her, you will be dead. Her brother will cut you into pieces.

Mahir: I will take care of her.

Amie: Ok now you both should go now.
From the backdoor.

Bela: But guards are there also.

Amie: Don't worry come.
Why to fear, when Amie is here.

They went downstairs, they saw there is two guards standing near the door.

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