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"I wanna see my little boy!" Callum was grinning widely from the school gates. Behind him, Abe, Jason and Charley all laughed. A few steps away from the group, Tate could see Ned and Peter watching with amused smiles. With a fond rolling of his eyes, he stepped forwards. His new cane clicking against the pavement as he walked slowly towards them.

"Here he comes!" Abe sung, his own smile teasing. Tate huffed and raised his arms out in a gesture of grand display, emulating his dad whenever Tony gave speeches. He picked up the cane and walked the last few feet without it. His group of friends cheered and descended on him with gleeful faces and pats on the back. Tate found himself laughing under their attention. Callum ruffling his hair as Charley and Jason swung their arms around his shoulders.

"No crutches!" Jason declared excitedly. "You'll be back on a skate board in no time". Tate ran and hand through his hair to try and smooth it back down, chest warm. He grinned. The delight infectious.

"I'm free", he declared as he shook the cane. "Freedom!" Another burst of laughter.

"Hi Tate". Tate looked over and beamed as Peter crossed over to them. Ned smiled and waved.

"Hey Peter. Hi Ned". The four other boys mimicked the greeting. Charley and Abe waved. Over the last few months, ever since Tate was injured, Peter and Ned had been slowly adopted into the group of friends. It had started with lunches, then invites to the skate park on Fridays. Their small group of five now becoming a group of seven easily.

"How's your legs?" Peter asked with a concerned glance at the cane. It was a slim metal black pole that Tate had just in case his legs gave up. It was his first time in public without his crutches since Germany and he was feeling very happy to finally be walking on his own again.

Tate shrugged. "They're fine. I've lost a lot of muscle so that's going to be fun to regain. I'm under orders to take it easy though. It's still very sore".

"You've got painkillers and your braces?" Callum confirmed. Tate nodded. Both objects were in his backpack just in case the pain flared up. His physio therapist was very stern and strict about not over doing it, and Tate was slightly afraid of her. But she had gotten him back on his feet within the timeframe the doctors had originally given him, so he was grateful for that. The pain was worth it.

"So", Ned spoke up with a grin, changing the subject. "Guess who's got the Lego Death Star kit!" They all let out shared gasps as they began walking towards the front doors of Midtown. Tate limped slightly, cane supporting him as he walked forwards at a even pace. The others all walked with him. Their bodies surrounding him in protective circle. It had been suffocating when Tate was in his wheelchair. Now that he could walk, it was comforting to know that they were still ready to protect him. Not that he needed it. He had been taught how to protect himself without using his legs way before the accident. But it was a nice gesture all the same. Tate was glad he had such good friends.

"Hey", Tate spoke up, interrupting a loud debate about the latest Star Wars film. (Charley and Ned were arguing about how the force awakens was just a redo of A new hope. While Jason, Abe and Callum were trying to point out the differences).

"I need to talk to you guys at lunch. It's important".

They all stopped as they got to their lockers. (Tate may have gotten his dad to bribe the school to place their lockers next to each other). There was the general clatter of them all swapping round textbooks. Various noises of agreement sounded in response to Tate's statement. "How important?" Charley asked, brows creasing with worry.

Tate grinned. "Not bad important. I'll tell you later".

"That's going to keep me on the edge of my seat all morning", Abe complained. The rest of them laughed.

A shrill ring of the bell and they all separated for their different classes. Charley and Abe waved as they headed down the corridor towards their English class. Jason, Ned and Peter following. Their maths class in the same direction. Only Callum remained at Tate's side as the corridor began to empty. Once Tate had his books ready, the two of them began walking down a different corridor to the lift. Tate's legs still not up to too many stairs.

"You going to tell them about your dad?" Callum asked curiously. Tate nodded.

"Yeah. Finally time to stop lying right?"

"But why now?" It was a honest question. Tate grimaced as he thought back to the discussion he'd had with his dad the night before. Not quite a argument but still tense. He had to fight strongly to tell the rest of his friend group. It hadn't been easy. Since the fight in Germany, Tony had been overprotective. The chaos involving the avengers' breakup and the shit the government and shield were pulling making stuff worse. Tony and Pepper were always busy now. Although they had gotten back together, which counted for something.

"I'm just sick of being pushed aside". The words came out angry and Tate winced. He paused for a second as they waited for the lift. "I miss skateboarding. I miss doing things. Dad won't even let me help with the company anymore. He's moving everything upstate and selling the tower".

"Are you going to have to leave?" Callum wailed. "Cause if you leave who the hell is going to fail chemistry with me? Or roll their eyes when I drool over hot men. Whose going to be my midnight hot chocolate buddy? I can't survive on my own. I'm a panicked gay who can't do math or drive. It will be a disaster!" He staggered dramatically, throwing an arm over Tate's shoulders and pretending to sob into his shoulder.

Tate rolled his eyes but failed to hide his grin. "Get off me. No, I'm not leaving. Calm down Callum".

Callum stood straight and fixed his hair. "Oh okay, got me worried there".

"We are moving though. Dad's been looking at new apartments round the city". Tony had been looking but Tate got the final say. The new apartment was mostly for him and they all knew it. Tony and Pepper wanted to move out of the city and build a house in the country. But Tate had to finish high school first.

"You need to get one with a swimming pool. Imagine that Tate, your own private pool".

Tate laughed, both boys stepping into the lift. "That would be cool. Maybe I can try the physio therapy card? Swimming is great for physio".

Callum gave him a fist bump proudly. "Good. I have taught you well my young padwan. Now has your dad considered buying us out of school yet?"


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