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Tate let out a relieved sigh as he sat down at his desk. The four screens before him all lighting up as Friday powered on his computer. He rolled his shoulders and neck to relieve the tension. Frustration and soreness from the day still lingering in his muscles. His legs aching from the day, left over pain from the injuries flaring up making him tetchy. One hand massaged his thigh absentmindedly as he began filling his computer screens. One tab had a map of the city on display. A red dot emblazoned with a spider was moving across it. Peter's daily patrol across the city on screen. Outside, the skyline was darkening with the dregs of sunset.

Tate's phone began buzzing. The boy leaned back into his chair with a tired sigh, running a hand through his hair as he pulled the device out of his pocket. "Hello?"

"How Y'all doing up there in the big city", a familiar voice spoke. Tate found himself grinning widely at the over emphasised accent.

"Harley!" He crowed down the line. "My brother from another mother. What are you doing? How's Tennessee?"

"Good. We're all good down here. Abby is in the preteen eye rolling stage of her life, which is driving me up the wall. More importantly, how are you? Back on your feet yet?" Harley's voice was laced with concern. The other boy, who was only a year older than Tate, taking on the role of big brother. (Not that Tate needed another big brother. He had Jason and Charley already). Tate just sighed fondly.

Harley had taken Tate under his wing as soon as Tony had introduced them four years ago. Ever since Harley had helped Tony out all those years ago, the billionaire paid him a visit once a year. It hadn't been long after he had adopted Tate that they went down for a visit. Thirteen year old Harley had kidnapped him into his garage and ever since, they had been virtual buddies. Harley was practically adopted by Tony anyway. Even though they didn't see each other in person very often, Harley was the closest Tate had to a older brother. And the southern boy definitely knew it. He had been calling once a week ever since news of Germany had reached him. (Tate would never admit it but he was fond of Harley's nagging).

"I'm walking now. I just have to be careful not to overstrain myself". There was a cheer down the line. Tate grinned, eyes watching Peter's tracker dart around the city as he listened to the phone.

"Gotten back on a skateboard yet?"

"Almost", Tate winced and rubbed at his thighs again. The muscles were seizing which made sharp pains dance up his legs. "I can do short journeys. No tricks yet. I have to be careful of my knees and joints". Momentary bitterness filled him at the reminder that his damn legs were still limiting him. It must have shown in his voice as Harley paused. When the other boy replied, his voice was gentle and warming.

"Hey. I know it's all shit but this won't last forever. It must be hard now so that it can be better later. The more you look after yourself and heal properly, the less likely it is going to hinder you later on".

Tate huffed. "I know. It's just frustrating".

"Yeah", Harley murmured back. "You got anything planned for your birthday? It's coming up soon."

Tate grimaced. His sixteenth birthday was the week after homecoming and he wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do. He had never really celebrated his birthday before being adopted. It used to involve him and his mom taking the day off from school or work and going shopping. It was a day just for them. Since she had died, it hadn't been the same. Tony and Pepper tried their best but Tate never really knew how to deal with his birthday.

Tate opened his mouth but Harley beat him to it. "Whatever you have planned, Tony has already arranged for me to come and stay for the week. I'm dying to see your new apartment. Have you moved yet?" He smiled. Harley knew him well.

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