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The intercom buzzed loudly as the woman pressed the button. A voice crackled is through the speakers as she bit her lip nervously. The woman said a few things back then waited. By her side, Tate fidgeted nervously. He flicked the wheel of his skateboard, sending it spinning aimlessly in the air. The large backpack weighting heavily on his slim shoulders. His dark hair had grown out and it covered his grubby face well enough. The woman clicked her manicured nails impatiently as they waited, other hand gripping with a bruising grip on Tate's shoulder.

The hallway the pair stood in was all polished marble and sophisticated decorations. Themes of black and cream. Tate didn't look around, preferring to keep his head down and make himself as small as possible. The woman's and his figures stood out of place here like ducks amongst swans. He could feel the neat business men and women, dressed in expensive suits, glare down at his rumpled clothing. The shirt was at lest three sizes too big and the jeans were ripped at the knees. Both of which were slightly stained and obvious well worn. His skateboard was clutched tightly under one arm, wheel still spinning.

"You may come in". The door unlocked with a audible click. The woman purses her plastic lips and huffed grumpily. She pushed it open and clicked her heels through, dragging Tate along behind her.

This room was much the same as the last hallway except for the black leather sofas surrounding a coffee table near the corner. The other side of the room held a matching set of black office chairs and a meeting table. Large windows took up one wall, showing the towers of the New York skyline. A red haired woman in a simple but elegant suit was standing next to the sofas. She was clutching a iPad in one hand. Tate peered at her through his hair as she stepped forwards with a smile to shake the plastic woman's hand.

"Nice to meet you Mrs Hastings. I'm Pepper Potts. We spoke on the phone".

The plastic woman, Mrs Hastings gave a sniff and looked around pointedly. "I thought we would be meeting with Mr Stark".

Pepper Pott's smile turned strained. "Yes. He will be here shortly. He is currently running a little bit late". She turned her attention down to Tate and her expression became more open and honest. "You must be Tate Doe. It's nice to meet you". Tate nodded at her hesitantly.

Mrs Hasting's grip hardened even more and he tried not to wince. "Answer her Tate. Be polite".

"Hello Mrs Potts", Tate mumbled. Pepper smiled warmly as Mrs Hastings released him.

"Go a play in a corner. Don't leave the room", she instructed as she took a seat on the sofa. Pepper sat opposite her, strained smile back. Tate scowled at them both and slunk away. With all the desk chairs, the meeting table was surrounded. It was darker under there, a easy place to hide. Tate crawled between the chairs, dragging his backpack and skateboard after him. He crossed his legs and began to fiddle with his skateboard as he listened to the women talk.

"I trust Mr Stark knows about the Boy's circumstances", Mrs Hastings was saying. "The only other option is foster care or a specialised hospital. We still have no idea how damaged he is. He won't talk to the psychiatrists".

"Mr Stark is just on his way up now", Pepper replied firmly. "I am sure we can wait until he arrives". A minute passed in tense silence before the doors opened and a man in a tshirt and jeans strolled through. He was wearing sunglasses and his hair was uncombed. Even with the casual clothes, the facial hair was recognisable from the news and magazines. Tate knew him on sight but he stayed quiet. His mom had displayed framed photographs in her home lab. Tate recognised Tony Stark from them and from watching him on tv.

Tony flopped onto the couch next to Pepper in a languid motion and pressed a kiss to her cheek. He flicked off his sunglasses and hung them on the neck of tshirt. "Sorry I'm late. I got distracted. Which meeting is this again?" Pepper rolled her eyes fondly but smiled at her boyfriend's appearance.

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