Twenty five

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The hotel  in dc was big and bright. The floors stretched out above them, the light shining down to the courtyard as they entered. Liz leading the way. The rest of the group following her bright yellow blazer. The hotel was obviously rooming the decathlon teams from the other schools as well, as there were a few stands set up with leaflets about the competition and the schools involved. Liz brushed by them. "Everyone stay together!" She called.

Tate stood on his skateboard and gripped the back of Abe's backpack as they moved. The boy once again towing him along. "Wow, this place is huge", He gasped as he stared up at the dozen floors above him. Tate smiled. He had been in much fancier hotels during his life but he always preferred trips with his friends. Mr Harris brought them all into the centre of the courtyard. The room keys all held in his hands as he called out the names.

"Be glad I came with you otherwise you could have gotten stuck rooming with flash", he muttered. Abe pulled a horrified face and Tate laughed. He held out his hands and Mr Harris tossed the key. Tate caught it with a grin.

"No funny business!" Mr Harris called as they were all dismissed to find their rooms. All their rooms were on the third floor and luckily there were lifts. Tate and Abe crammed into one with Ned and Peter. The girls and Flash having gotten in the other one. As the doors closed, Tate looked up and caught Peter's gaze in the mirror. He gave him a suspicious and slightly confused look, pupils flicking between him and Ned. Peter's eyebrows twitched and he put on an innocent face. It was obviously a lie. He and Ned were planning something. Tate raised an eyebrow. Peter turned away.

The lift dinged on their floor and Peter was the first out. Tate walked slowly after them. His skateboard once again strapped to his back and his cane folded up in a side pocket just in case. His legs were a bit stiff from the bus journey but it was nothing some painkillers couldn't fix. "We're in room 254", Abe announced as they walked down the corridor. The railing opening up to the courtyard below on their right.

"Right next to us", Ned added. "We're 253".

"Cool", Tate hummed. "Can you guys go ahead?" He asked as he grabbed Peter by the arm. "We need to have a talk about Stark internship stuff".

"What? What Stark internship stuff"- Ned started. Then he remembered. "Oh yeah. Cause you're- Oh. Oh! You know! Okay. Yes. Meet you there". Then he was bumbling further down the corridor. Abe glanced at Tate but shrugged and followed after him. Tate watched them go until they were out of sight before grabbing Peter and pulling him into a corner next to a large potted plant.

"What?" Peter blinked as Tate turned to him.

"What's going on?" Tate whispered. "Does Ned know about Spider-Man now? How did he find out? Why haven't you told me what happened at Liz's party the other night? I'm worried Petey boy". He sighed at the nickname and watched as Peter visibly deflated.

"I'm being careful Tate", he reassured gently. Tate bit his bottom lip and gave him big dark eyes. Peter sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Yes, Ned knows now. He caught me when I crawled back through my window one night. I had to tell him". Tate tried not to sulk. Being the only one who knew about Spider-Man had made him feel like he and Peter had something special. A connection that they didn't share with others. Peter had known about Tony being Tate's dad and Tate had known about Spider-Man. But he guessed that it didn't work anymore. Now all their friendship group knew about Tate's family and Ned knew about Spider-Man. It wasn't just them anymore and that made Tate feel sad. He wanted it to go back to having Peter's attention again. It made him feel neglected and left out, as much as it pained him to admit. 

Tate nodded and sighed. "I guess you can't talk yourself out of that. You should be more aware Pete".

"I know", Peter nodded.

"So, what's happening with the gang making guns? Are you being careful? I still need to bring your suit into the lab and get the parachute replaced. I should also run a diagnostics check as well, just in case there's something else". He frowned, mentally spinning off into a world of calculations and ideas.

"Tate. Tate. Baby Stark". Tate jolted at the nickname.

"Who told you that?" He scowled.

Peter smiled mischievously. "Callum changed your name on the group chat".

"What?" Tate was already pulling his phone form his pocket and tapping their group chat. The conversations from last night appeared. There was barely any notifications from that morning, just Jason and Charley wishing the decathlon team a win. But at the bottom was the small text. LordCallumthefifth has changed CouldbeinaKpopvid's nickname to BabyStark. Tate huffed at it. "That nickname is going to stick", he grumbled, cheeks pinking.

"It's cute", Peter grinned. Tate huffed at him.

"Quit changing the subject. What are you planning in Dc?" Tate leaned on one hip and crossed his arms. His expression expectant.

"It's nothing. Just a lead I wanted to check out. Nothing dangerous". Peter was lying but Tate didn't want to argue about it here.

"Just please be careful", he asked gently. "Please Peter. This is dangerous stuff".

"I know that", Peter's eyes narrowed and his tone took a annoyed note. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm being careful? Or do you want me to go back to stopping bicycle thieves like your dad?"

"No", Tate sighed. "Peter. I know that you want to do more but I don't want you to get hurt. You're fifteen. Let the adults take care of the big stuff".

"I don't want to be on the sidelines forever!" Peter exclaimed. "I have these powers for a reason. I just wish that everyone will stop treating me as a kid. I can do this. I need to prove that". He turned big eyes on him, voice slightly pleading. "Don't tell Mr Stark. Let me prove this".

Tate knew that he should put a stop to it. He should tell his dad. Monitor the gang Peter was after himself. It was dangerous. His legs ached in reminder and he felt a urge to cry in frustration build up in his eyes. He knew where Peter was coming from. He had wanted to prove himself to adults who where always too busy too. First his mother, prove that he was old enough and independent enough to that she didn't have to worry about him when she was at work. So she wasn't always overtired. Then to his adoptive father, that he too could follow in his footsteps and be a hero. And more recently, to Pepper and his doctors. That he was healing and that he didn't need to be coddled. And prove to himself that he would get back onto a skateboard and that he could once again do all the tricks he was able to do before.

He rubbed at his eyes and sighed deeply into his hands. "I won't tell my dad", he promised, hoping he wasn't making a mistake.

"Thank you, thank you".

"Just. Peter?" He looked up and caught Peter's gaze. "Don't do anything stupid. I designed that suit well. It should protect you. If there's something remotely wrong with it then bring it to me. I don't want you to get hurt".One part of him wanted to reach out and take Peter's hand. His fingers twitched so he gripped the straps of his backpack instead.

"I will", Peter nodded. Tate smiled slightly and hoped that the boy would keep his word.

"Okay. Let's go and check out our hotel rooms". He began walking. Peter keeping pace at his side as he changed the subject. "Have you seen any Kpop music videos? We binge watched a bunch last weekend when they were at mine for a sleep over. They're very cool. You should watch some with me sometime".

"Sounds fun".


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