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"Wow it's so weird how you can run in to people at the airport", Tony commented as he landed on the concrete. The suit of his helmet folding back as he turned to Rhodes. "So weird".

"Definitely weird", Rhodes replied. The visor of his helmet staying up as he eyed Captain America. Tate could see their faces on his screen. Friday having connected Tony's and Rhodey's suit cameras to his. So despite being quite a distance away, he could watch exactly what was going on.

"Hear me out Tony", Steve interrupted. "That doctor. The psychiatrist, he's behind this. All of this". Tate automatically saved the information through Friday for later. Steve was probably not lying. But that was not what this was about. This was about him disobeying orders and going against the government. The accords were there for a reason, no matter if they disagreed. That was why they were here. That was what this were about.

T'Challa seemed to have gotten bored of waiting. He had been perched up on the walkway above them. The black of his suit camouflaging him quite nicely against the plastic and metal. He leapt down and landed on Steve's right, as agile as a cat. Like his namesake. "Your highness", Steve nodded at him.

"Captain", T'Challa replied curtly as he rose to his full height.

"Ross gave me thirty six hours to bring you in", Tony announced. The metal of his boots clanging as he paced across the tarmac. "That was twenty four hours ago. Could you help a brother out?" Even Tate knew that it was pointless asking. Steve was as stubborn as a mule. When he got something into his head, he saw it out.

"You're after the wrong guy".

"You're judgment is skewed", Tony retorted. "Your old war buddy killed five innocent people yesterday".

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him!" Steve snapped back. "I can't let the doctor find them first Tony. I can't".

"Steve". Steve turned as Natasha approached from his left. She eyed him calmly but with a firmness that was personal. "You know what's about to happen", she warned. "Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?"

Steve stared at all of them for a minute but his expression did not change. Instead his lips hardened into a set line. Tate felt it when his father's annoyance and frustration reached its peak. "Alright", Tony sighed. "I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Nothing happened. Tony sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Peter!" Tate hissed through the coms. "That's your cue".

"What? Oh okay!" Peter stuttered back.

"Underoos!" Tony shouted again. Peter, who had been positioned on the roof above them, flipped through the air. Tate watched on his screen as web shot out and tied Steve's hands together while another strand landed on his shield. Peter snatched the shield from his hold and landed easily on the roof of a nearby truck.

"Good job kid", Tony complimented.

"Thanks". Tate could hear the pleased grin in Peter's voice. "Well I could have stuck the landing a little better. Just new suit. It's nothing! Mr Stark it's perfect. Thank you".

"We don't really need to start a conversation", Tony shook his head.

"Oh okay. Captain". Peter saluted at Steve nervously. "Big fan. I'm Spider-Man".

"Peter", Tate muttered. "Shh". Peter whined almost silently in disappointment but shut up.

"You've been busy", Steve commented, gesturing to the new suits surrounding him.

"And you've been an absolute idiot", Tony spit back. "What do you think you're doing? Rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave. A safe place! I'm trying to keep"- Tony's voice broke off and he took a breath. "I'm trying to keep the avengers from falling apart", he said, calmer.

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