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Tate yawned as the elevator doors opened to the bar lounge area at the top of Stark tower. He kicked off the ground and glided on his skateboard across the polished marble floor and round the circular room. The lights turned on as he rolled down the slight ramp and round the L shaped sofa. He tossed his school Bag onto the cushions and steered the board round the coffee table. Stark tower, what was formerly the avengers tower, was in the beginning stages of being packed up. All avengers gear still there was being sent across state to the new facility. Only the belongings of the people still living there remained. But it was only Tony, Tate and Pepper on the upper floors.

"Friday?" He asked loudly.

"Yes Tate?" The soft disembodied female voice replied.

"Report", he stated as he began to practise a kick flip.

There was a found undertone of amusement in Friday's voice. "Miss Potts is currently still on her business trip in London. She is due to be back on Sunday. Mr Stark is flying from the avengers facility and will be arriving in five minutes. Do you need anything Tate?"

"I'm fine thank you Friday", Tate called back.

"Ms Potts does not like it when you skate inside", Friday sounded slightly reproachful. Tate rolled his eyes but obediently picked up his skateboard. He sprawled on his back across the large sofa and watched the sunset over the new York streets. It was Friday and his legs were tired from a long afternoon practising tricks. The graze in his knee from a slide down a handlebar still stung but it had stopped bleeding. He had botched the landing and hit the concrete quite harshly. Luckily his trousers were cheap and not to damaged by the fall. A few rips weren't uncommon.

"Fine. It's not like she's here to tell me off. Is this a new program Friday?"

"My programming has not changed. I am merely keeping a eyes on you, as instructed". Tate blew the hair out of his eyes frustratedly. He liked Friday but it was like having a electronic nanny.

The sounds of metallic shoes on the helipad and the hum of the machines powering up alerted him to Tony's arrival. Tate sat up and watched through the window as Tony walked towards him, the machines disassembled the iron man armour as he moved. Tony pushed open the balcony door and smiled at Tate in greeting. Ever since Tate had joined the stark family almost four years ago, both Pepper and Tony had made the effort to see him at lest once a day. It was hard going. Tate being extremely independent and used to busy parents even at eleven. With Pepper the CEO of Stark industries and Tony a avenger, the two of them were often away on long business trips. But they always called or made it back to share a meal.

"Heya Kiddo. How was school?" He called as he made a beeline for the coffee machine. Tate shrugged.

"School was school. The latest avenger gossip is that your adopted son has superpowers and was rescued during a mission with the avengers".

Tony laughed as the coffee machine hummed. He looked tired. His suit, the official one that he wore when meeting with other important people, was rumpled. His glasses, which had connection to all of Friday's tech, were sticking out of a pocket and there were dark stress bags under his eyes.

"We tested for that. Unfortunately kid you're as human as me. But I have some plans for your suit that we can discuss this weekend if you're up for it".

Tate perked up with a excited grin. Tony has promised to make him a iron man suit for his sixteenth birthday. It was to be similar to his but different enough that Tate would not immediately be connected to Tony Stark if he was seen in it in public. Pepper, the voice of reason, had begrudgingly agreed but he was not allowed on any missions until he was a adult and had the proper training. Until then, the suit was merely a hypothetical design.

"Is it about the hoverboard?" Tate asked. He wanted a hoverboard like out of back to the future three. They just looked so cool.

"Yeah. I'll tell you about it tomorrow", Tony waved a hand in the air and yawned. "Have you had dinner yet? Want to order takeout?"

"Can we get Mexican from the place in queens?" Tate requested as he stood up. He picked up his backpack and dropped his skateboard onto the floor.

Tony nodded. "Sure, Friday?"

"Your usual is on its way". Friday notified them.

"Thanks Friday", Tate called as he skated up the ramp round the room and down the corridor leading to the living apartments. There were eight apartments in total. Only three were occupied now. One belonged to Happy, who had moved in when the avengers had moved out. Happy was like a uncle to Tate. He was the one around when Tony and Pepper were both busy. With the avengers facility now across state, Happy was in charge of Stark tower and Tate's official babysitter. Friday's were his day off. The other two apartments belonged to Tony, Pepper and Tate. The two apartments had been conjoined so that Tate had his own space but was still close enough to Tony and Pepper if he needed them. When he had first arrived at the tower, not long after Ultron, he had been a closed off child. It had taken a long time before he spoke freely with any adult other than Tony and Pepper. And a over a year before he freely called Tony Dad. But that was all in the past.

He dropped his bag in his room and changed into a comfy tshirt and sweats. The discoloured white scars of old chemical burns visible on his arms now that he was wearing short sleeves. More comfortable, he walked slowly through the apartments to their own private kitchen. By the time he arrived, Tony has also relocated there. He was sipping from his coffee mug and dragging things across a open holographic screen. His blazer was draped over the back of a chair and his shirt was unbuttoned at the neck.

He looked up as Tate arrived. "Tate. Do you know a kid at your school called Peter Parker?"

"Yeah. I have gym and physics with him". Tate took a stool at the kitchen isle and pulled out his own holographic screen. "Why?" He asked slightly suspiciously. If Tony was asking about someone then it was either about science and a new invention or avenger style stuff. Tate knew that there was something going on with the team. Since the incident with Wanda and the explosion, the death of the founder of Shield, Peggy Carter. The team had been disjointed. He had heard enough rants from Tony about Steve being stubborn to clue in on the fact that the team was falling apart.

"Nothing yet. Just a suspicion. What's he like?"

Tate made a noncommittal gesture. "Quiet. Nerdy. Very smart. Top of the classes when it comes to science. Teacher's golden boy. I don't really know him that well".

Tony nodded, eyes distracted. Tate watched his father curiously. "Is everything okay?" He asked softly.

Tony startled and blinked at him. A soft warm smile spread across his face. "Nothing you need to worry your head about kid. If something happens, I'll tell you. But it might happen soon".

"Are you worried?"

"If this goes the way I think it will, yes". Tony frowned at his screen then his face relaxed, as if he was pushing the stress away. "The food is here. I'll go and grab it from the elevator". He rose and left the room. Tate waiting alone at the table, mind mentally turning over the new information.


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