Forty three

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"Dad!" Tate called as he rolled slowly across the white floors of the avengers complex lobby

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"Dad!" Tate called as he rolled slowly across the white floors of the avengers complex lobby. His skateboard underneath his feet as Peter walked at his side. The two boy's hands were linked as Peter pulled Tate along with him. Ahead, near a set of double doors, Tony was waiting for them. The man dressed in his customary smart dark grey suit that he wore for interviews and media coverage. He turned as Tate and Peter approached, Happy tailing a few feet behind.

"Tate. Peter", Tony strode forwards to greet them. A smile crinkling his eyes behind the wire framed glasses. "Good. You're here". He wormed his way between them, forcing their hands to let go, and there his arms around each of their shoulders. Tate winced slightly at the sudden weight and he felt his dad lift his arm up so that there was less pressure on Tate's ribs. It had been couple of weeks since the plane crash but Tate's ribs were still a bit fragile.

Tony patted Peter on the arm and kept walking, Tate and Peter walking along (or in Tate's case, rolling along). "I'm sorry I took your suit", Tony said, then immediately continued. "But you had it coming. Actually, it was the prefect sort of tough love moment that you needed right? I've never had to do tough love before, it was not too much was it? Don't you think?"

"Dad", Tate interrupted, giving the man a pointed look. Tony sighed heavily.

"Okay. Okay. Sorry I took the suit. There! Happy?" Tony scowled at Tate as the boy grinned. The man huffed. "Whatever. Anyway", he turned back to Peter, who was watching the whole thing with wide eyes. "I was wrong about you. Perhaps with a little more mentoring, you'll be a real asset to the team". They had been walking across the room to where a round steel wall emblazoned with the light up avengers sign was waiting. Tony removed his arms as the boys both stopped as he wandered closer.

Tate gave his skateboard a little push and rolled slowly after his other, leaving Peter to stand and watch curiously. "To -to -to the team?" His voice was hopeful and surprised. Tate grinned at him as the brown haired boy gaped.

"Alright. There's about fifty reporters behind that door", Tony gestured to the double metal doors to the side. "Real ones, not bloggers".

"Charley would take offence to that", Tate laughed.

"Yeah well Charley can suck it", Tony wrinkled his nose at his son. "As I was saying. When you are ready Peter, why don't you try that on?" He pressed a button on his watch and the round metal door slid back to reveal a shiny metal Spiderman suit. It shone under the lights, metal painted blue, red and black. "And I'll introduce to the world the newest avenger, Spiderman", Tony waved at the suit.

Tate watched as Peter took a few steps forwards. His face lighting up in a awed wide mouthed smile, like a kid at Christmas. A few breathy chuckles escaped his mouth as he continued to gape. Tony grinned. "Yeah, get a load of that. Now once I've introduced you to the world, Happy will get you set up in your new quarters. Is he next to Vision?" Behind Peter, Happy nodded.

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