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Happy open the door to their suite and strolled in. Tony had gotten them all a family suite to share in a hotel on the edge of Berlin. The suite was comprised of  two double rooms, each with a en-suite bathroom and a shared living space. Happy immediately veered for the first bedroom. "You two are sharing", he called over his shoulder as he opened the door. "Sort it out between yourselves. We need to leave again in three hours".

"Thanks Happy", Tate called back sarcastically. He yawned again and stretched his arms up above his head with a groan. Peter, who hadn't stopped gaping through out their trip through Berlin, also yawned. New York was six hours behind Germany and they had just been on a nine hour flight. Both boys had managed to sleep through most of it, and were not running entirely on sugar. But travelling was still exhausting. They both crossed over to their bedroom door and Peter pushed it open.

It was a typical hotel room. With a white and cream colour scheme and matching furnishings. Most of the floor space was taken up by a large double bed. Matching bedside tables and desk lamps were mirrored on each side. There was a plain wardrobe and a secondary door to the bathroom. Early morning light streamed through the large windows, unhindered by the inner layer of thin white privacy curtains. It was eight in the morning in Berlin. They had flown through most of the night. Tate took in the room and inwardly cursed his father. Why couldn't Tony have gotten them a room with two singles? He had a feeling that his dad was out to embarrass him. Fuck.

Tate yawned again and decided not to make a big deal over it. He walked over to the left side of the bed, dumping his duffle bag on the floor and flopped unceremoniously onto the covers. His limbs sprawled out like a starfish. Peter remained where he was. "Are we going to share a bed?" He asked hesitantly. Tate rolled over onto his back and peered up at him.

"Seems so. You nervous?" He grinned teasingly. "Relax Petey boy. I'm not going to ravage you in your sleep". He tugged a one of the four pillows over and placed it in the centre of the bed. He patted it with a smile. "There. That's just in case I try to sleep hug you. I'm a bit of a hugger in my sleep. So I apologise in advance".

Peter opens his mouth to say that that wasn't what he was worried about then quickly shut it again. Instead he shrugged and tried to play it cool. "Okay. Sure. I've shared beds before. This one is large enough anyway". He sat down on his side and bounced slightly on the mattress, laughing at the spring.

Tate yawned again. "I'm going to have a nap. If you're not going to sleep could you wake me in two hours? Or set a alarm?" He asked. Peter nodded and Tate smiled. "Cool, thanks". With that, he pulled his earphones back out and rolled over. Peter watched as he nuzzled his head into the pillow, dark black hair strewn over the white surface. After a long moment, Tate's breathing deepened. Peter sighed quietly and sat back against the headboard, pulling out his phone.

It was almost half an hour later when Peter froze. He had been watching YouTube videos with his earphones in, muffling his laughter with his hand. He was just scrolling through them when the bed moved. Peter looked over and froze. Tate had rolled over in his sleep. His black hair was messy and he had wrapped his arms around the pillow he had put between them earlier. Peter watched as the boy nuzzled closer and brought his leg up. Tate's leg fell on top of Peter's and the boy curled his ankle around Peter's calf. Peter froze, unsure wether to move his leg or not. Tate mumbled something inaudible and continued snoring softly.

Peter pressed his hands to his face in frustration.


"Tate". There was a hand shaking his shoulder. "Tate wake up".

Tate berried his face deeper into his pillow and yawned. He stretched his arms up as his shoulders popped. There was a muffled laugh. Tate blinked open his eyes to glare blearily at Peter. The boy was sat on the bed next to him, looking down at him with a amused expression. "What?"

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