Twenty nine

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The school bell echoed down the corridors in a signal for next lesson. Callum slammed his locker shut with a groan. "Kill me now before I have to take this Spanish test". Next to him, Jason sniggered as the boy leant against his locker dramatically. Tate cracked a smile. His emotions were still slightly vulnerable from the talk with his dad that morning. He stuffed his books into his bag and zipped it closed.

"Spanish is not that bad", Abe was trying to convince a lamenting Callum.

"You're only saying that because you don't have it with the she devil herself". He threw an arm around Tate's shoulders and leaned on him. "Please please please get your dad to buy us out of school".

"Nope" Tate popped with a grin. "Sorry buddy but I'm leaving you".

"This is abandonment, betrayal", Callum huffed as he pulled away. He flopped over Charley instead. "Charley. You'll save me right?" He looked up at the other boy, batting his eyelashes seductively.

Charley's ears went red as Callum draped over him. His face going stiff at the sudden close proximity. Their faces only inches away. Jason laughed loudly at the sight. "Just kiss already. I'm sick of all that pining". The red deepened and they all jeered teasingly. Tate shoving the two boys closer together. Callum blinking in surprise at the moment, seemingly having the same realisation as Charley.

"Kiss kiss kiss", Abe began chanting.

"Kiss kiss kiss", Jason joined in.

"Come on", Tate poked them, his face split by a wide grin. "you've been pining over each other for the better part of a year already. Just freaking kiss and call each other boyfriends, Jesus".

"Jesus has nothing to do with this", Callum hissed, through he was rapidly turning red. He tried to remove his arms from the other boy but Charley caught him by the waist and held steady. Callum flushed brighter, mouth dropping open as he turned back to meet Charley's eyes.

"And you may now kiss the bride", Jason sniggered. Abe was still chanting. Around them, the crowds of student bustling to class gave them curious looks as they passed. Some stopping to watch the events. Tate waved his skateboard at them to shoo them on. They didn't need some dumb kid ruining the moment. A cheer sounded and Tate turned back just in time to see Callum finally surge up and lock lips with Charley. He let out a cheer, clapping with Jason and Abe as the two boys kissed. Their eyes closed and their mouths moving. Callum hand's gripping the short hair on Charley's nape and the other boy's hands at his waist. Tate giggled as he clapped. For a minute, he pictured himself and Peter then shook the thought from his mind.

"And breath", Jason stated. Their clapping having died down and the pair still kissing. "Breath guys, we have to get to class".

"I've just reasoned that this might actually be worse than their pining", Abe was now watching the making out couple with a disgusted face. "The sexual tension was bad before but I don't need to see it".

Tate winced as Callum fell back into the lockers, pulling Charley with him. Both boys with their eyes closed as their kiss turned into a furious make out session. "Ewww. Yuck. I'm going to class to bleach my eyes with boring history. You guys keep doing whatever that is". He turned away and began walking down the corridor. Callum and Charley would catch them up. Thought he hadn't wanted to see them making out like it was the end of the world, he was glad for them. They would be good for each other.

Jason and Abe split off from him at the stairs. Both boys having lessons on the second floor while Tate had his class on the first. He pressed the button and waited for the lift in the now almost empty corridor. (His legs were healed enough for him to use the stairs if he wanted but he still had a lift pass for achy days like today. Also, he was lazy). As he waited for the old lift to light up and begin moving, he glanced around. A familiar head of brown hair was skipping towards the stairs. Peter looked up as he got closer, seeming to just notice him. Tate froze as they made eye contact. The betrayal about the tracker suddenly a weight in his stomach.

"Peter", he greeted. No smile or wave, no cute short nicknames. Just his name and a nod. Peter instantly slowed.

"Tate", he offered a small nervous smile in greeting. "Are you heading to class?"

"Yep", Tate turned to watch the lift again.

"Right. Of course", Peter nodded, voice going high. "Are you okay? You seem kinda mad".

Tate let out a long breath of air through his nose. He ran a hand through his hair. "Honestly yeah. I am kinda mad with you". Peter winced, eyes going big.


Tate gritted his teeth. All that worry and hurt he had been storing in his lungs was slowly turning into anger. He turned to Peter with his brows furrowed. "I know you took the tracker out of the suit. Ned told me. You hacked the suit I made for you and took out the tracker". He cursed his arms, fingers tapping on his bicep.

Peter hissed out a breath. "Tate, listen I just"-

"No. I get it", He interrupted. "Do whatever you want". The lift doors dinged as they opened. He stepped inside and pressed the button for going down. Just as the lift started to close, Peter slipped in beside him. Tate tried not to scream as the doors closed.

It wasn't a big lift. They were so close that their arms were brushing. But luckily it wasn't a very long journey. Tate didn't say anything in the minute that it took for the lift to lower down. He kept his gaze straight ahead. Peter fidgeting with the zip of his hoodie anxiously. His thoughts so loud that it was a wonder Tate couldn't hear them in the silence. "You know", he spoke up as the lift settled and the doors began to open. Peter's head whipped to him so fast that his neck clicked. "If you wanted me to leave then you could have just told me".

"No Tate, I just want to prove to mr Stark that I'm not a kid. That I can do this". Tate stepped out and Peter stumbled behind him. "I just wanted to prove that I can be more than the neighbourhood Spider-Man. That I can do more, that I can be an avenger too. That I can be a hero".

Tate stopped in the now empty hallway and turned to face him. He looked at Peter's pale face. The two of them close enough in height that they didn't have to move their heads to meet eyes. "Pete", his voice was soft. "You are a hero. Didn't you know how worried I was when you didn't turn up for the competition and I couldn't track you? I thought you were injured or worse! It was only because Ned told me that you had taken the tracker out that I didn't call my dad. I didn't want you to get into trouble".

Peter's eyes were shameful. "Sorry. But I just needed to prove that I could do this without help. That I am strong enough. That vulture guy needs to be stopped".

But why do you need to be the one who stops him?" Tate threw up his hands. "Why do you need to prove yourself? Peter, I know you're strong. You don't need to do reckless things to prove that".

"You saw those weapons. You know what they can do. If I stop him then mr Stark might finally let me join the avengers".

Tate took a step closer to him. Their chests inches away from each other. "Then why did you get Ned to take out the tracker and hack the suit? If you're trying to prove yourself then why did you do that?"

"What, the training wheels protocol?" Peter scowled at him, eyes suddenly sharp. "Really Tate? Training wheels? I don't need training wheels".

"That wasn't my idea".

"No but the signature on the chip is yours. You keep on underestimating me".

"The idea was that you learn how to use them one by one. As not to overwhelm you".

"Well I don't need that", Peter snapped. Tate felt his face pale. "I don't need your trackers or your training wheels. I am going to do this my way. Not yours or mr Stark's".

Tate blinked at the frustration and anger in Peter's tone. He took a shaky breath. "If you wanted to say that you don't need me anymore Peter, then just say it. You have Ned now and you have Liz. Go on then, do it your way. Be the hero, get the girl and let those of us who aren't 'strong enough' go. You obviously don't want me anyway".

Tate turned as he felt his voice crack and moisture begin to bubble up in his eyes. He rubbed them with the back of his hands as he began walking away, not wanting for the other boy to see him cry. Peter didn't call out as he left. Didn't stop him or say anything as he disappeared round a corner. Just stood there with wide eyes and watched him go.


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