Twenty three

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(Tate, Callum, Charley, Jason and Abe mood board)

Tate woke up the next morning to a tangle of limbs

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Tate woke up the next morning to a tangle of limbs. Callum was hugging him to his chest and drooling in to his hair. On his other side Charley was sprawled on his back, one leg thrown over Tate and Callum, snoring loudly with his mouth ajar. At the bottom of the bed, Jason was curled up hugging Charley's other foot as he slumbered. Tate blinked round at all of them and groaned sleepily. He began with moving Charley's leg then carefully escaping from Callum's hold.

"Hey". Tate had to blow his rats nest of a bed head away as he sat up. Jason was blinking dazedly at him. "Morning", he slurred quietly. Tate watched as the realisation he was hugging Charley's foot dawned. Jason pulled a face and let go, shoving it away. Tate snorted.

"Morning", he replied, voice croaky.

Jason sat up and ran a hand over his face. "You getting up?" Tate nodded and Jason rolled over to get off the bed. He held out a hand and Tate took it. The taller boy helping him off the bed and holding his steady as he stood. Tate's legs were stiff from sleep and still slightly sore from the flare up yesterday. "You okay?" Jason asked.

"Yeah just pass me my crutches", he gestured to the two crutches leaned against his desk. Jason walked over and retrieved them.

"Thanks", Tate stifled a yawn. He glanced to the clock on the bedside table. It was nine twenty four in the morning. "I'm going to go and shower. I'll probably be a while so you guys can use the bathroom down the hall. Help yourself to food in the kitchen when these two dumbos wake up". He waved over at Callum and Charley. Callum had rolled over and wrapped his arms around Charley now that Tate was no longer there to hug. The two of them were cuddled up cozily. Callum with his head on Charley's shoulder and their arms wrapped around each other.

Jason sniggered as he looked over them. "They are so freaking dense. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one who noticed".

Tate giggled. "Should we take photos to send to Abe? He's been groaning at the pair of them for ages".

"Leave that to me", Jason grinned, already fishing his phone out of his pocket. Tate giggled again as he began moving towards his bathroom. Already he could picture Abe's reaction to the pictures that were about to be sent.

As soon as the door was closed and Tate had flushed the toilet, he turned on the shower. "Friday?"

"Yes Baby Stark?" Friday's voice replied. Tate groaned.

"Oh god, who set that as my name?"

"I recall Mister Callum asking for it to be set last night. Tony gave his approval". Tate sighed as the bathroom began to fill with steam. He began to strip off. In the mirror he could see his scars. White chemical burns flecked his arms, faded through time but still noticeable. They were joined by the white lines of surgery. One across his stomach and two each round each knee. Each line dotted with tiny marks from the stitches.

"Anything new Friday? Where are my parental figures today?" He asked as he stepped into the shower. There was a metal bar that Tony'd had fitted after Germany and Tate leaned on it as he tipped his head up into the hot spray.

"Miss Potts is currently in DC and should return later this evening. While Mr Stark is due to go to India today for a wedding he has been invited to by one of our sponsors".

Tate hummed as he began washing. His legs seemed stable enough to stand on. Stiff and achey but not as acutely painful as before. Maybe he could get by without the braces today? "Any other updates?" He asked. "Was there a Spider-Man patrol yesterday?"

"Yes. Mr Stark had to intervene". Tate paused halfway through working the shampoo through his hair.



"What the freaking hell happened last night Peter?" Tate hissed down the phone. He was sat on the closed lid of a toilet seat, phone pressed to his ear as he quickly towel dried his hair.

"What? Tate?" Peter's voice came back sleepy and only half awake.

"You got into a fight with a freaking vulture guy?" Tate felt his voice climbing and had to hurriedly drop back down to a quiet whisper. Outside his bathroom door he could hear laughter as Callum and Charley awoke.  Three pairs of footsteps shuffling around and their voices conversing sleepily. It sounded like Jason was teasing Callum and Charley for their cuddle habits.

"Oh, you know about that?"

"Of course I knew about it", Tate huffed. "My dad had to save you from drowning in a lake!" He paused then added, "you are going to have to come in to get your parachute replaced".

"That was not my fault", Peter replied. "I was trying to get the guys with the weapons when this freaking vulture guy comes out of nowhere and picks me up then drops me in a lake". Tate could picture the hand gestures that Peter was most likely creating as he spoke. 

"I thought you were going to a party. How the hell did you end up almost dying?" Tate exclaimed. Then he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Are you okay?" He sighed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine", Peter replied quietly. "Your dad told me to be more careful. He says to leave this to the actual law enforcement".

Tate snorted. "That's ironic of him. But Peter, maybe you should leave it to the law enforcement".

"No! No. I can do this. I need to do this. So I can prove to Mr Stark that I'm good enough so that he'll let me join the avengers".

Tate sighed softly, heart weakening. "You are good enough Pete. You don't need to fight a big scary arms dealer to prove that".

"Oh". Peter's noise of surprise made Tate suddenly flush as he realised what he had said. "Thanks. I'm, um, glad you think so. But this guy needs to be stopped".

Tate's fluttery soft feeling disappeared and annoyance replaced it. "But that doesn't mean that it has to be you!"

"Why can't it be me!" Peter shot back down the phone. "I know that I can do this! I have these powers for a reason and I'm sick of being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. This is bigger".

"But these weapons can hurt you!" Tate voiced. "Being friendly neighbourhood keeps you safe. You're fifteen Peter".

"So are you. And You fought with me in Germany".

"And look where that landed me! In hospital for three weeks". There was a sudden awkward silence. Tate sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair. "Please just be careful. I don't want to have to engage baby monitor protocol, if my father hasn't already". He knew before he had finished speaking that he had made a mistake. The next silence between them was tinged with anger.

"You're just like your dad", Peter snapped. "Why can't you just listen to me when I say that I can handle it?"

"Because I thought I could handle Germany. I thought I could handle a suit but I couldn't and now I've got the scars to prove it".

He could feel Peter's surprise and the heavy weight of emotion in his lungs. "You're not taking up the suit again?" Peter asked gently.

"No. I can't. I can't handle it. Maybe when I'm older but not now. A suit", Tate exhaled. "It's too much weight. No, it's not for me. I think I might be like Pepper".

"You would be good at that", Peter complimented.

Tate chuckled lightly. "Thanks". There was a knock on the door.

"Tate?" Callum called. "You okay in there. Haven't drowned have you?"

"No!" Tate called back. "I'm fine. Give me a minute". He hurriedly whispered into the phone. "I've got to go. Just be careful".

"I will", Peter promised before Tate hung up.


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