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Tate's weekend was disturbed by a Tony getting a phone call during breakfast. The two of them were seated at the table in their apartment kitchen, music playing softly. He was munching on toast while reading a book, cup of coffee next to him. Tony was much the same, except that he had a holographic screen open before him. Both boys were still in their pyjamas and sleep ruffled. Tate was drowsy and his hair was in its usual bed head. It was a comfortable slow morning, something they both cherished whenever they happened. Unfortunately it wasn't in the cards for that day.

Tony's cell started blaring at the same time alerts began popping up on his hold screen. Tate had programmed the phone last night and had changed the ring tone. He began giggling as Katy Perry's Peacock burst out at full volume. "Jesus!" Tony gasped, jumping. He dropped his toast and glared over at Tate tiredly. "Nice one Tate. How long did it take you this time?"

"Five minutes. You going to answer that?"

Tony pulled the still noisy phone out of his pocket and glared at it. With a petty amount of dramatics, he sent the call to voicemail. Tate took a long gulp of his coffee. "What's your time for getting past Fury's firewalls?" Tony continued.

"Still about half an hour. Fury gave me the middle finger through the camera. Expect a call from him sometime soon". Tony gave him a proud smile.

"God bless your Mom for giving a board child a computer and asking him to hack the pentagon". Tony laughed at the image, a nostalgic look on his face. Tate chuckled softly.

"That was Mom".

More alerts popped up on his holoscreen. Tony's face soured as he read them. He sighed loudly and ran a hand through his hair. Tate knew that look. He tried to quell the disappointment rising in his gut. Tony gave his son a apologetic look. "I'm going to have to go. Sorry kiddo. Rain check on our weekend?"

Tate shrugged and downed his coffee. "I'll go skating".

"I'll give Happy a call", Tony promised as he dumped his dishes in the dish washer. "If you best him in the ring I'll let you chose the next apartment". He rounded the table and ruffled Tate's hair. "See you later kid". He called as he disappeared down the hall.


Hours later Tate was gliding down the street on his board, dodging fellow New Yorkers. He was on his way to riverside skate park in Manhattan where he had agreed to meet Callum and Abe. It had taken a bit of effort to ditch Happy but Tate had managed to sneak out. He had Friday connected to his phone, so it was not like he needed a babysitter. The AI did that just fine by itself.

He was just passing a alley when something caught his eye. Tate kicked his board up, stopping his momentum. Peter Parker was stood in the alley. The boy was barefoot and appeared to be pulling on his shirt. Tate was not sure what set him off but the situation seemed worrying. Making a decision, he picked his board up and jogged over. As he got closer, he noticed that there was the dark purpling of a bruise on the side of Peter's jaw and there was blood on his cheek.

Peter was struggling with his jumper and Tate called out. "Hey!" Peter's head turned as he jumped, eyes wide. There was a small bloody cut on his cheek and another rapidly forming bruise under his left eye.

Tate held out his hands so not to startle the boy further. "Hey Peter right? We have a few classes together. I'm Tate. You okay?"

Peter relaxed slightly but there was still a panicked tension in his frame. "Tate", he yelped. "Um hi? I'm fine. I was uh, mugged? Yeah, I was mugged. I'm okay though". Peter's body slumped, the tension finally easing away as he got the words out.

"Oof dude", Tate tutted. "Do you want some help? Did they take anything?"

Peter sighed and ran a hand through his bedraggled brown hair. "Just my wallet".

"I've got some first aid supplies in my backpack if you want any", Tate offered. Peter blinked at him, a slight blush rising on his cheeks.

"Um yeah? That would be good. Thank you?"

Tate gently took Peter's shoulders and steered him to sit on a upturned wooden box by the bins. The alley was mostly hidden from the street and overshadowed by the buildings but there was enough light for Tate to see what he was doing. Peter's clothes were stained and rumpled. His backpack was torn and one strap was missing. He was clutching it anxiously. Tate realised that the other was the same height as him.

Tate pulled his own backpack off and took out the mini kit that Pepper always made him carry. It had the basic stuff, bandaids, antiseptic wipes, cream for bruises. "You should be glad I carry this with me", Tate joked. "These bruises look sore".

Peter gave a small smile. "Thank you. My aunt May would have a panic attack if she saw me like this". He let out a hiss as Tate cleaned the cuts, then laughed as he saw the bandaids. "Skull bandaids?"

"Shut up. They're cute", Tate huffed as he pressed one over the cut on Peter's cheek. The bandaid was black and decorated with little tiny white cartoon skulls. Peter's pale skin felt warm as Tate smoothed down the edges. Peter chuckled softly, watching as Tate began to apply the cream.

"So why do you carry a first aid kit?"

"Pepper got annoyed about all the scrapes I get from skating. She packed a mini kit into all my bags". Tate answered. Peter grimaced as his bruises throbbed. "Stay still. Did you never learn to defend yourself?" It came out harsher than he expected but Tate didn't care. Peter frowned at him.

"I can protect myself".

"Can you?" Tate raised a eyebrow. "Cause you look like a stereotypical nerd there Pete. Ever been taught how to throw a punch?"

Peter's expression fell. "No". Tate sighed as he finished tending to Peter's wounds. He packed the kit away in his bag and stood up.

"Maybe get yourself some lessons", he suggested as he shouldered his backpack and picked up his skateboard. "It's always good to know how to protect yourself". Peter nodded and the both of them turned back towards the street.

"Thank you again". Peter said as he turned to leave. "That was really nice of you".

Tate dismissed it with a wave of his hand. "It was nothing. Be more careful next time. See you around school Peter". With those parting words, he skated off down the street, leaving Peter behind him.


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